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I found solace on the stairs, craving some solitude amidst the continuous chatter surrounding our mission

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I found solace on the stairs, craving some solitude amidst the continuous chatter surrounding our mission. Exhaustion weighed heavily on my body, dampening my spirits. I marveled at Katsuki's ability to sustain unwavering anger while remaining endlessly energetic. Lost in my thoughts, I suddenly sensed a presence beside me.

"Hitoshi, I'm fine. No need to check up on me constantly," I mumbled.

"Shut up, idiot. I'm not that Shinso bastard," a gravelly voice interjected. With no doubt, I knew exactly who it belonged to. Opening my eyes, I found him sitting beside me.

"What do you want, angry Pomeranian?" I inquired, locking eyes with him. He scowled in response.

"I have a name. Don't call me 'angry Pomeranian'," he growled, his gaze fixed straight ahead.

"I have a name too, don't call me 'idiot'," I retorted.

"I know you have a name, idiot and it suits you perfectly," he said, smirking mischievously. Letting out a sigh, I rolled my eyes.

"Just tell me what you want, Kat... I mean Bakugo," I said, the frustration evident in my voice. He huffed and stared ahead.

"Our mission is tomorrow. I came to inform you that we'll be leaving at 7 in the morning. So, meet me at my agency beforehand," he stated, rising from his spot. I looked at him, puzzled.

"Where is your agency located?" I asked, prompting a baffled expression on his face.

"You don't know where my agency is?" he questioned. I shook my head, feeling a tinge of embarrassment.

"Forget it, idiot. I'll pick you up from where you live. Just give me your address," he replied. It was an odd moment, engaging in a normal conversation. I sighed and reluctantly provided Keigo's address.

"You better be ready when I arrive, or I'll leave without you," he warned, flicking my forehead with his index finger.

"Ow! You're just asking to get electrocuted again, Katsuki Bakugo!" I said, succumbing to frustration.

"Watch it, idiot, or you'll receive another lecture from Hawks," he teased before reentering the room. That guy had some nerve.

"Yo! Sei! What are you doing out here alone?" Kiera's voice broke the silence.

"I was enjoying some alone time until an angry Pomeranian decided to interrupt," I sarcastically replied.

"I saw him coming this way, which is why I came to check up on you. I'm relieved you both didn't blast this building," she chuckled. I glared at her.

"Shut up," I muttered, my glare intensifying. It only made her burst into laughter.

"You call him an irritable Pomeranian when you're one yourself," she said between fits of laughter.

"I'm leaving," I declared, rising from my spot.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I won't laugh anymore," she promised, trying to stifle her laughter.

"What did you two talk about?" she asked.

"Not much. He informed me about meeting at his agency tomorrow morning for our mission, but I told him I had no idea where it is, and he gave me this strange look," I explained.

"You don't know where his agency is? Sei? You don't know the location of Ground Zero's agency, the number 3 pro hero?" she questioned, incredulous. I shrugged, failing to understand the significance of this information.

"What's so special about his agency?" I inquired.

"Sei, I thought you were his fan. Plus, everyone in this city knows where his agency is located," she stated.

"Well, I'm not his fan anymore. I realized that fantasizing about him when he wasn't real was completely different from reality. Meeting him made me realize what a jerk he truly is," I reflected. She sighed, shaking her head.

"You're going to fall for him," she predicted. I burst into laughter.

"Fall for him? That's a good one, Kie!" I scoffed. She shook her head, gently squeezing my shoulder.

"Denial is the first stage," she said, standing up and walking away.

"What does that even mean?" I called after her, but she remained silent, continuing her departure. Today, everyone seemed to speak in vague riddles around me.

I could never be swayed by someone like him. It would take an irrational mind to fall for him.


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