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"What's with the name-calling? You're no better!" I retorted, brushing myself off and standing up

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"What's with the name-calling? You're no better!" I retorted, brushing myself off and standing up. That jerk had ruined my favorite t-shirt, and I wasn't going to let it slide.

"Do you even know who you're talking to?!" Katsuki growled. I despised Katsuki Bakugo, and he was really pushing my buttons. I was supposed to be a fan, but not anymore. He ruined my shirt, and he was going to pay for it.

"To a disrespectful jerk like you!" I shot back, locking eyes with him. I refused to let him intimidate me.

"Sei... He's... He's Katsuki Bakugo!" Kiera sounded slightly panicked.

"So what?" I replied dismissively.

"Well, you do realize that we're fans of 'My Hero Academia' and he's one of the main characters," she said awkwardly smiling.

"I couldn't care less about that. He ruined my shirt, and I'm not letting him off the hook," I stated firmly.

"What the hell are you two idiots even blabbering about!" Katsuki's annoyance grew.

"That's none of your concern, mister. Now pay for my damn shirt!" I demanded, my frustration evident.

"Sei, maybe we should--" Kiera tried to interject.

"Shut it, Kie, and let me handle this disrespectful brat!" I snapped, witnessing Katsuki's increasing fury as explosions sparked from his palms.

"You want a fight? Bring it on!" I challenged.

"You're gonna regret this, you white-winged idiot!" Katsuki yelled, launching an explosive attack towards me. Instinctively, I used my wings to shield myself.

As electric charges coursed through my wings, they unwrapped, and a victorious smirk spread across my face.

"You'll have to do better than that, weakling!" I chuckled, knowing I was getting under his skin. His scowl deepened, and more explosions erupted from his hands.

However, before he could strike again, I retaliated by sending an electrified feather towards him. He crumbled to his knees in pain, the voltage not too high but enough to bring him down. I couldn't help but laugh at his defeat.

"What on Earth is happening here?" a voice spoke up. I directed my gaze toward the source and spotted a cute, green-haired guy. I knew exactly who it was: Izuku Midoriya, accompanied by the half ice, half fire guy, Shoto Todoroki.

Izuku came to Katsuki's aid, helping him to his feet. Meanwhile, Shoto had his eyes on both me and Kiera. As my anger subsided, I suddenly realized the extent of what I'd done. I had just electrocuted a pro hero, and not just any pro hero, but the third-ranked hero, Ground Zero. At the start of the manga, it was written that Izuku was the number one pro hero, Deku, a symbol of peace like All Might, Shoto was number two, and Katsuki was the third-ranked pro hero, Ground Zero.

"D-Deku! Shoto! I'm so sorry. My anger got the best of me, and he... he ruined my favorite shirt," I stammered, remorse filling my words.

"Shut up, you idiot! I'm not finished with you!" Katsuki struggled to break free from Izuku's grip.

Fear gripped me as I realized the consequences of my actions. I could end up behind bars for fighting and attacking a pro hero. I was truly and utterly doomed.


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