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When Keigo explained everything to him about who me and Kiera were and where we are from, Katsuki had his blank face all the time

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When Keigo explained everything to him about who me and Kiera were and where we are from, Katsuki had his blank face all the time. It was hard to figure out what he was thinking.

"So, now you know neither of us is betraying the heroes," Keigo said.

"Hm. This was too much information, especially it is hard to believe that there is an existence of another universe out there. Even so, you are the former no. 2 pro hero, so I will not doubt your loyalty. But, if I follow the protocols, I'll still need to discuss this with top 10 pro heroes," Katsuki explained.

"Valid enough. As long as this stays between pro heroes. But, if this talk gets leaked, I'll hold you responsible for it, pro hero Ground zero," Keigo said. The serious face Keigo had on, told me clearly that this was a very serious matter.

"That's fair," Katsuki said as he got up.

"I'll see you on a mission, pro hero Hawks," Katsuki said as he went out without even glancing at me even once. I followed him outside.

"Katsuki, wait!" I called out.

"I'm Ground zero or Bakugo to you," He said. I flinched at his harsh tone.

"I'm sorry for lying to you and keeping you in dark. Do you find it in your heart to forgive me and give me another chance?" I asked. He sighed.

"This relationship was built up by lies, Uchida. I don't see a point in continuing it now that the truth has made its way out. Let's pretend it never happened," He said.

"This is my fault. I didn't mean to betray you, please give me a chance!" I begged.

"You'll be gone soon to your world, what's the point. Let's end it here," He said devoid of any emotion. My eyes got filled with tears again. He left without uttering another word.

I couldn't help but sob when he left, happiness never really lasts long. I realized it right now. Honesty has always been a basis for any relationship and I couldn't give him that. And now, he doesn't trust me anymore.

"Hey, kiddo! It's okay," Keigo said as he came from behind and hugged me.

"He... He wants me to pretend that it never happened. What we had, how can I pretend that... I mean... " I said sobbing uncontrollably.

"Sh! You got this, kiddo. You are stronger than this," Keigo said comforting me. But, my tears won't stop falling.

After a while of crying and Keigo comforting me, I wiped my tears away.

"Let's get you inside," Keigo said. I nodded. When we went in we saw Kiera arguing with someone on phone.

"Is it Shoto?" I asked. She nodded rubbing her forehead.

"Did you guys break up too?" I asked. She shook her head.

"No, he understood why we did it. But, he was just hurt that he got to know about it through someone else," She said. She looked at me suddenly.

"Wait did you say 'too'? Did Katsuki broke up with you?" She asked.

"I won't even call it a breakup. He asked me to pretend 'we' never happened," I said.

"That little... Let me go and talk to him!" Kiera said getting up.

"No, it's alright. It was my fault anyway, let's discuss it some other time," I said stopping her from leaving.

"I'll be in my room," I said giving both of them a small smile.

Life felt like an unfair bunch of images. Pain, sorrow and guilt came rushing through my veins, who would have thought my life in his universe would take such an unexpected turn. Who would have thought I would feel everything I have never felt before in his universe.


Touya Todoroki... 💔

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