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Initially, Hitoshi was skeptical of our claims

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Initially, Hitoshi was skeptical of our claims. However, he became a believer after we showed him the manga. Given his respect for Keigo, he willingly accepted the offer to train Kiera, while I continued my training with Keigo. He has become much more than a mentor to me - he's my guiding force. Under his tutelage, I have learned to manipulate my feathers individually over long distances, and as a result, I can even control their electric charge.

After days of intense training, today is the day we obtain our hero licenses. Keigo taught me some close combat skills, emphasizing the importance of being versatile in combat. I am grateful to him for the time he has invested in both me and Kiera.

Interrupting my thoughts, Kiera suddenly enters my room. Startled by her silent approach, I cannot help but wonder if Hitoshi taught her those sneaky techniques.

Startled, I ask, "What is it?"

"Oblivion," she says with a mischievous grin, her eyes glowing. Oh no, it's another one of her sneak attacks!

The room darkens as I am plunged into the realm of oblivion. Familiar yet enigmatic, my subconscious engulfs me - an uncharted territory I cannot decipher. I wish I possessed the strong will of someone like Izuku to break free from her quirk, but, unfortunately, that remains elusive for now.

"Sei, come back," I hear Kiera's soft whisper in my ears, and my senses return. I gaze at her smiling face, but I can only roll my eyes in annoyance.

"I keep falling for your tricks," I grumble, frustrated. She simply shrugs, that ever-present grin etched on her face.

"You need to be more alert, Sei," she advises.

"Kids, I've got your hero licenses," Keigo's voice suddenly resonates through the room. My eyes widen, and an exuberant grin spreads across my face. We rush towards him eagerly.

"Where are they?!" I exclaim, jumping excitedly, accidentally knocking some items off the table with my giant wings.

"Sorry," I chuckle apologetically, while Keigo shakes his head.

"Here," he says, handing us our identity cards. My true name and birthday are listed, while the rest of the information is fabricated, as I am not originally from this place. My hero name is "Angel."

"Angel?" I question, looking at Keigo.

"Well, your lightning is white, just like your wings. It suits you, don't you think?" he responds, and I simply shrug, quite content with the name.

"Oblivia is a nice name," I comment as I glance at Kiera's identity card, reading the details.

"Yes," she agrees with a gentle smile.

"Okay, kids, listen up. Remember, I mentioned that several pro heroes are also on the mission to find the Hidden City?" Keigo asks, and we nod in acknowledgment.

"Yes, you did," I reply.

"Well, now it's officially your mission as well, and you'll be working with them," he declares. My heart sinks. I don't want any dead weight accompanying me. It would be a waste of time.

"No, Keigo! I refuse to work with anyone else. I want to do this alone or with Kiera," I object. Keigo insisted on being called by his first name because we have become great friends.

"Collaborating with other pro heroes will expedite your journey, kiddo. Moreover, let's not forget that a group of villains is also after that city. I cannot allow you two to go alone and jeopardize your lives. You have to work with other pro heroes," he explains.

"I agree with him, Seiren," Kiera states, and I let out a sigh. There is no point in arguing with these two - I won't be able to win anyway.

"Fine, then. Who are the pro heroes we'll be working with?" I inquire, hoping Hitoshi is among them. He is the only pro hero, aside from Fumikage Tokoyami, who frequently visits Keigo, who knows the whole truth. I feel more at ease around him.

"You'll find out tomorrow when you meet them," Keigo reveals.

Great, now there's even more suspense. I'll have to wait until tomorrow. This is going to be an agonizing wait, and I can't help but wonder what this mission will entail.


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