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 Before Katsuki could launch another attack, Izuku pulled him back

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Before Katsuki could launch another attack, Izuku pulled him back. I let out a sigh of relief, realizing that provoking Katsuki would only lead to more trouble.

"Kacchan! They're civilians. You can't just attack them!" Izuku said, looking at me with concern in his eyes. My anger faded as I looked at him, realizing how cute he was. How could I stay angry with him around?

"She was acting like a brat!" Katsuki threw his typical tantrum. Adult Katsuki seemed more mature, as he actually listened to Izuku. If he were still the same hotheaded teenager, he would have pushed Izuku away and continued attacking me.

"Pro heroes, I apologize for my friend's behavior. Sometimes she can't control her temper!" Kiera interjected, apologizing on my behalf. I wanted to apologize too, but I couldn't find the right words.

"What's going on here?" someone behind me asked.

"Pro hero Hawks?!" Izuku's eyes widened. Hawks? I spun around immediately to see for myself.

"Wow," I let out a gasp as soon as I laid eyes on the red-winged man.

"I must be dreaming," Kiera said absentmindedly, staring at Keigo.

"Seiren, Kiera, come with me so you don't get lost again," he said. Wait, did he just say our names? Did he know us? How?

"You... You know us?" I asked, surprised. He nervously chuckled as he approached me.

"Oh, come on, kiddo! Stop messing around! We have training to do, remember?!" he said, his smile suggesting I should just play along with his lie. I immediately nodded.

"Kiera, I heard you wanted to train with me too," he said, looking at Kiera with the same smile. She nodded as if understanding his signal.

"Of course, Hawks!" I chuckled nervously. I glanced at the three pro heroes, who looked at us with complete confusion. I wanted to laugh at Katsuki's puzzled expression, but I held it back...well, I tried my best.

"Alright then, pro heroes. We'll be on our way! Sorry for all the commotion," Keigo said, flashing his charming smile at them.

"Pro hero Hawks, if I may ask, what's your relationship with her?" Shoto pointed at me before we could leave. I knew he would see through the deception. He's always been observant, thanks to his calm and collected nature.

"She's the granddaughter of an old friend," Keigo said. I kept a straight face, despite being surprised beyond belief. I had no clue what lies Hawks was spinning.

"I apologize for causing you trouble, Deku, Shoto," I said, leaving Katsuki out of it.

"Huh?! Where's my apology, dumbass?!" Katsuki spoke up.

"You never apologized for ruining my shirt," I pointed out, giving him a narrowed gaze.

"That's enough, Sei! Let's just go!" Kiera said, pulling me along with her.

"Goodbye, pro heroes," she waved at them. Sticking my tongue out at Katsuki, I flashed a victory sign with my hand.

Katsuki continued struggling against Izuku's tight grip, seething with anger.

"Let go of me, Deku! I want to finish this brat once and for all!" he yelled at his friend.

"You're one troublesome kid," Keigo sighed, looking at me.

"I'm sorry," I apologized with a smile.

"We're about to take flight, kiddo. I'll explain what's going on when we reach our destination. Can you fly?" he asked.

"I can give it a try," I replied.

"Think of flying like walking. Once you're up in the sky, you can control your speed and wings. The only challenge is taking off from the ground," he explained.

"Oh! Guys! I can't fly, you know," Kiera chimed in.

"I know, kid. I'll carry you. Don't worry, you won't fall. Just hold on tight to me," Keigo said. He scooped Kiera up in a bridal style, causing her to let out a yelp as she gripped onto his jacket tightly.

"Okay, kiddo, I'll go first and you follow my lead. Got it?" Keigo instructed, and I nodded confidently. He flapped his massive wings and took off from the ground within seconds.

Now, it was my turn to take flight. Perhaps I shouldn't have been so overconfident with my nod.


Man! Kiera! I'm so jealous of you right now!

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