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I swiftly navigated my way through the library, my eyes fixed on the intense battle unfolding on the other side

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I swiftly navigated my way through the library, my eyes fixed on the intense battle unfolding on the other side. Katsuki and Hades valiantly clashed with three formidable villains, one of whom caught my attention with his peculiar appearance. Resembling a cheetah with his feline features and distinctive black spots, it was safe to infer that his quirk mirrored that of a cheetah's.

Without hesitation, I sprinted towards Katsuki as I noticed the cheetah-like villain closing in on him. Thanks to the agility I had honed through countless training sessions with Keigo, I reached Katsuki's side within seconds.

"Took you long enough to join the party, annoying bird," Katsuki taunted, his remark met with a roll of my eyes. Yet, my gaze pierced into the villain's eyes, conveying my awareness of his presence.

While it was expected for someone with cheetah-like powers to exhibit stealthiness, Keigo had instilled in me the invaluable skill of constant vigilance in any situation.

"Hey! Over here! I can see you!" I exclaimed, a smirk tugging at my lips. As electric energy surged through my wings, I discharged a flurry of feathers in his direction, which he skillfully evaded.

"DIE! DIE! DIE!" Katsuki bellowed, fully engaged in combat with the other villains. Among them, one possessed the ability to breathe fire, while Hades grappled with another whose eyes carried the power of laser beams.

"Phobia! I need your assistance, now!" the villain facing me called out, evidently summoning one of his allies. Phobia? An eccentric name, indeed.

"Of course, Gepard," a woman's voice responded. She emerged amidst the chaos, her white eyes fixated on me. A chill ran down my spine as I felt the world around me shift and twist.

Suddenly, I found myself perched atop a towering structure, my wings curiously absent. The ground seemed to tremble beneath me, and the height induced a paralyzing fear. Acrophobia had seized control, intensifying with each passing moment. Phobia, I realized. Perhaps her quirk compelled individuals to confront their deepest phobias in the most tormenting way imaginable. Despite knowing it was an illusion, I had no idea how to extricate myself from its clutches.

"Surprising for a bird like you to have a fear of heights," her voice taunted. I scoffed, refusing to dignify her comment with a response. Then, an abrupt force propelled me back into reality, my consciousness abruptly returning.

"Finally! You're awake!" Katsuki proclaimed, his voice a welcome reassurance as I regained full awareness of my surroundings.

"Did you push me?" I inquired, seeking clarification.

"No shit, Sherlock!" he retorted, his annoyance palpable.

"Whatever you do, don't make eye contact with her," he warned, his knowledge of Phobia's abilities piquing my curiosity. Glancing at Phobia, I observed her writhing in agony, clutching her head as she struggled with the consequences of her own quirk.

Seizing the opportunity, I unleashed a barrage of electrified feathers, rendering her unconscious within moments. A triumphant smile blossomed on my face as I turned my attention to the man whom I assumed to be Gepard.

"Now, it's your turn to meet defeat," I proclaimed, pointing decisively at the villain.

It became clear to me why Keigo had entrusted me to Katsuki's partnership. He foresaw the likelihood of an attack from the villains and recognized Katsuki's exceptional combat skills, encompassing both ranged and close-quarter combat.


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