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Mitsuki erupted into a fit of laughter at my reaction when she jokingly asked me to be her daughter-in-law

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Mitsuki erupted into a fit of laughter at my reaction when she jokingly asked me to be her daughter-in-law. "Oh my God! We've only known each other for a few minutes, and I already adore you, dear," she exclaimed while patting my back. I chuckled nervously, which only seemed to increase her amusement.

"Come on inside. I want you to meet Katsuki's father, as well as Angel and Hades," she invited, and I nodded, following her lead. I stole a quick glance at Katsuki, who continued to shoot daggers at me with his eyes, his movements limited. It took every ounce of self-control to stifle my laughter at his awkward attempts to walk.

As we entered the house, two dogs bounded towards us. There was a massive half-wolf, half-dog with a sleek black coat, and a playful Pitbull scampering beside. "Hades! Angel! Say hello to our guest, Seiren," Mitsuki introduced, and they eagerly approached us. I braced myself, expecting Hades to display the same intensity as Katsuki, but he surprised me with his gentle gaze and wagging tail.

"Aren't you an adorable sweetheart," I cooed, rubbing Hades' neck and back. Angel watched me longingly, hoping for some attention. "You're quite the cutie too," I said as I gave her the same affectionate treatment.

"You two are nothing like Bakugo," I remarked, causing Mitsuki to burst into laughter. "Huh? What are you saying, dumbass? They are exactly like me!" Katsuki interjected, but I chose to ignore him. Instead, I continued to play with the dogs, although to my disappointment, they immediately ran to him. Of course, they would gravitate towards their caretaker.

"Oh! Katsuki brought a girl home?" a man's voice exclaimed. I looked up to see Masaru Bakugo standing there. "Hello, sir! I'm Seiren, Ground Zero's teammate for our new mission," I introduced, bowing respectfully. He smiled warmly and nodded in acknowledgment.

"Pleasure to meet you, dear," he greeted me, and I reciprocated the smile.

"Masaru! You won't believe it, but just moments ago she electrocuted Katsuki because he disrespected me," Mitsuki chimed in, drawing Masaru's attention to me. He looked at me with a mixture of surprise and amusement. Meanwhile, I chuckled awkwardly and scratched the back of my head.

"She's something, isn't she? Quite skilled at taming our short-tempered son," Mitsuki remarked dreamily, casting affectionate glances my way.

"Wait until I defeat her in a fight," Katsuki chimed in, still occupied with his dogs.

"Are you trying to remind me of our first encounter, Kacchan?" I teased, causing him to approach me with anger seething in his eyes. Oops! I probably shouldn't have provoked him, especially in his parents' home.

"Katsuki! I won't tolerate any fighting in this house! Step away from her immediately!" Mitsuki asserted sternly. Katsuki scoffed, refusing to break eye contact with me. Eventually, though, he complied, stepping back reluctantly.

"You're lucky, hag... I mean, my mom's here; otherwise, you'd be in trouble," he threatened me, but I couldn't help smirking at his choice of words. Calling her 'mom' clearly indicated his fear of being electrocuted by me. It felt like a small victory.

"Sure, Bakugo," I replied, all while observing his parents, whose eyes widened in surprise.

"Did I hear correctly? Did he just call me 'mom'?" Mitsuki exclaimed dramatically. Katsuki scoffed and rubbed the back of his neck, seemingly embarrassed.

"I'll take Hades with me on the mission," he declared, turning around to search for his wayward dogs. I couldn't help but chuckle at his flustered state. This family was nothing short of adorable. Seeing them reminded me of my own family, and I couldn't help but yearn for the day I could return home.


The one on the right is Hades and the one on the left is Angel

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The one on the right is Hades and the one on the left is Angel. This is a fan art and it's not mine, it belongs to @ realbakugou on Instagram. You can search up for this fan art on their Instagram account.

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