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"Hey, Grandma! When will Grandpa be back?" I asked eagerly, as I savored every bite of the pancake my grandma had made for me

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"Hey, Grandma! When will Grandpa be back?" I asked eagerly, as I savored every bite of the pancake my grandma had made for me. Kiera sat across from me, immersed in her phone, probably texting one of her classmates.

"He'll be back in two to three days. You know how he is whenever he goes on a fishing trip with his friends. It's always uncertain when he'll return," she replied, and I nodded in understanding.

"Hey Sei! The new season of My Hero Academia is coming out in a few days," Kiera exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with excitement. Mine did the same.

"Woooooow~ I'm so excited!" I sang, earning a chuckle from my grandmother.

"What is 'My Hero Academia'?" she inquired.

"It's an anime," I replied, a smile on my face as I thought about all my favorite characters, especially Shoto Todoroki.

"Your grandpa used to be friends with a manga artist. I can't remember his name, but he used to give your grandpa many unpublished manga," my grandmother revealed. My eyes widened, and I couldn't help but drool at the thought of those manga. Manga and anime were true love for me.

"I want to read them!" I exclaimed with enthusiasm.

"No, honey! No one can do that! Your grandfather's library is off-limits," my grandmother stated firmly. I gave her a skeptical look.

"But why?!" I questioned, feeling frustrated.

"I don't know. Ask your grandpa when he returns," she replied. I groaned in annoyance, glancing at Kiera, who gave me a sympathetic half-smile.

I had to do something about this situation. The fact that the library was off-limits made me even more curious to see what treasures it held. Maybe I could sneak into the library in the middle of the night when my grandmother was fast asleep.

Once we returned to my room, I flopped onto my bed, contemplating how to execute my plan of sneaking into the library.

"Hey, Kieeeee," I called out, catching Kiera's attention.

"If you're thinking of going into that library, you should drop the idea," she warned me. Oh, right! She knows me well.

"But... "

"No, Sei! Your grandmother is right. What if there's something dangerous in there?" she reasoned. Why did she always have to be so practical?

"Ghosts don't scare us, Kie. We both know that," I reassured her, thinking back to all the scary movies we had braved together. I highly doubted any ghost could scare us.

"It might not be a ghost. Maybe it's something we're not aware of. The library is off-limits for a reason," she explained. In annoyance, I flared my nose. Sometimes, I felt like I was turning into a female version of Katsuki Bakugo when things didn't go my way.

"I'm going into that library at midnight, whether you come with me or not!" I declared stubbornly. She sighed, but didn't say anything.

"Fine, I'll come. I can't let my clumsy best friend go alone, can I?" she finally relented. I smiled proudly, pulling her into a hug.

"That's my best friend," I said with a grin. She chuckled, hugging me back.

There might be something off about that library, but right now, my curiosity was overpowering. I didn't want to spend sleepless nights wondering what secrets lay within that room.


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