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"Are you ready to go?" inquired the tall, purple-haired man with a kind smile

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"Are you ready to go?" inquired the tall, purple-haired man with a kind smile. A whole day had passed, and I was finally being discharged from the hospital, thanks to the exceptional care of Recovery Girl. Besides some minor bruises, I had no major injuries left to recover from. Keigo and Kiera, my usual companions, couldn't make it to pick me up, so Hitoshi kindly took on the task.

"Yes, thank you," I replied with a grateful smile. He gestured for me to walk ahead of him, and we strolled through the hospital corridor, engaging in light chatter. As we walked, a familiar blond head caught my attention from afar.

"Katsuki! What are you doing here?" I exclaimed, taken aback by his unexpected presence. He knew I was being discharged, so it was unusual for him to be here.

"I came to pick you up, of course, you annoying bird," he replied gruffly, his trademark scowl etched on his face. I couldn't help but raise my eyebrows at his response.

"Feeling guilty, Bakugo?" Hitoshi chimed in, adding to the corner of his mouth. Katsuki bristled in response.

"None of your damn business, extra," he snapped.

It was a bit of a dilemma - I didn't want to ask Hitoshi to leave, but at the same time, I didn't want Katsuki to go, especially since he seemed to have warmed up to me. Sensing my indecision, Katsuki asked, "So are you coming with me or not, bird?" I hesitated, glancing at Hitoshi and then back at Katsuki.

"How about you both come with me?" I ventured, rubbing the back of my neck sheepishly.

"But you don't have a car," Hitoshi pointed out.

"I know, but who needs a car when we cab just walk there?" I said with a grin.

"Where are we going?" Katsuki asked, always the curious one.

"To the hospital cafeteria - I'm starved," I said with a small chuckle.

"You eat more than that ponytail girl," Katsuki teased, his harsh exterior melting away for a moment with amusement.

"It's not very kind to judge people for their food choices," I scolded gently.

"Before you two start bickering again, let's just get some food," Hitoshi interjected in his usual calm, placid voice.

Katsuki walked ahead of us with an air of dominance, his strides long and proud. He walked as if he owned the hospital. I mean he could since he is super rich and all. Suddenly, Hitoshi leaned in and whispered in my ear, startling me from my thoughts.

"He likes you," he breathed.

The heat rushed to my cheeks, and my heart quickened its pace ever so slightly.

"That's ridiculous, Hitoshi," I said, trying to play it cool. He just shook his head knowingly.

"He wouldn't have come here to pick you up if he didn't care about you," he explained.

"I can hear you two, you know!" Katsuki growled at us from ahead, indicating that he had overheard our conversation. Although he never denied what Hitoshi had said, which made me wonder if he felt the same way.


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