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"Keigo, I can't believe you're asking me to team up with Katsuki after specifically asking me to stick with Hitoshi and Kiera

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"Keigo, I can't believe you're asking me to team up with Katsuki after specifically asking me to stick with Hitoshi and Kiera. What are you trying to do?!" I exclaimed, shooting him a puzzled look.

Keigo maintained his usual calm expression as he replied, "Consider it an opportunity to train and control your anger, kiddo." Control my anger? Is he out of his mind? How am I supposed to control my anger when I'll be spending time with the person who infuriates me the most?

"Keigo, please pair me up with anyone else. Anyone except Katsuki Bakugo," I pleaded, sighing as I leaned against the wall behind me. Our mission was to retrieve the book 'Mysteries of the Magic Castle' from a library in Hosu city. Keigo had informed us that a group of villains known as 'the Massacre Squad' was also after the book, hoping to discover the hidden city. Therefore, it was necessary for a pair of heroes to work together to retrieve it. And guess who the unfortunate pair was? Yep, Katsuki Bakugo and me.

"Your long-distance fighting style and his close combat skills complement each other perfectly, kiddo. And in order to tame that temper of yours, you need to work with someone who can really push your buttons," he explained, a satisfied smile playing on his lips.

"Sometimes, I can't fathom what goes on inside that head of yours," I muttered in frustration.

"You don't have to understand. Tell me, Seiren, do you trust me?" Keigo asked, and without a moment's hesitation, I nodded.

"You know I do, Keigo," I replied.

"Then trust me on this and work with Bakugo for once. I know him as a hero, and you'll learn a lot from him," he assured me. I scoffed. Learning anything from Katsuki Bakugo was the last thing I wanted.

"Fine, I'll do it because you asked me to trust you, not because I want to learn anything from him," I reluctantly agreed. He nodded, displaying his charismatic grin. It's no wonder he has such a massive female fanbase. He ruffled my hair before walking back into the room, earning a groan of annoyance from me in response. I followed him, having asked him to step out briefly so we could discuss the joint mission he had suddenly announced for Katsuki and me.

"Alright then, Angel and Ground Zero will head to Hosu city tomorrow to retrieve the 'Mysteries of the Magic Castle' book. However, we'll need information on the movements of the Massacre Squad in order to thwart their plans," Keigo stated. Katsuki was already scowling at me, but I rolled my eyes and averted my gaze. As the number three pro hero with a reputation to uphold, he had never opposed the idea of working with me in the first place.

"I want Deku, Shoto, Earphone Jack, Oblivia, and Mindjack to keep a close eye on the villain group. Keep me updated on their movements," Keigo instructed them, and they all nodded in understanding.

"The rest of the pro heroes, including myself, will stay here. If either group needs backup, we'll be here to assist. Also, this mission is highly confidential, so only the people in this room should know about it," he commanded, and we all nodded in agreement.

I glanced at Katsuki, who was deep in conversation with Eijiro. Surprisingly, he wasn't scowling as he usually does. Oh, if only he were a little less rude. Kiera and her group were discussing the mission, and it seemed like she was getting along well with everyone. At least one of us was able to bond with the team. I spotted Hitoshi looking in my direction, and I waved at him with a small smile.

"You good, Sei?" Hitoshi asked as he approached me, temporarily leaving his group. His indigo eyes seemed exhausted.

I nodded, smiling at him. "Working with Katsuki is going to be a hassle," I groaned.

"Nah, I think you'll handle it just fine," he reassured me.

"What makes you say that?" I inquired.

"Hawks knows you well. If he's teamed you up with Bakugo, there must be a reason behind it," he explained. I blinked at him, trying to process his words. Even Hitoshi's words were as enigmatic as Keigo's. They seemed to understand something that eluded me, and now I was determined to uncover the truth.


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