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"Excuse me, but you're late," Katsuki boisterously exclaimed as I stood before him

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"Excuse me, but you're late," Katsuki boisterously exclaimed as I stood before him. With an eye-roll, I climbed into his spacious Mercedes, grateful that my wings could fit without any trouble.

"Thank you for picking me up," I politely said, fastening my seatbelt.

"Your feathers have littered my baby," he complained, his remark eliciting a snort from me. Who even refers to their car as their 'baby'?

"Try laughing again and I'll throw you out of the car," He threatened sharply, staring me down as he turned the engine on.

"If you stop with the peculiar car nicknames like a five-year-old, maybe I wouldn't find it amusing," I retorted.

"I detest your presence," he sneered.

"The feeling is mutual," I shot back, only to be interrupted by the ring of his mobile. He answered it with irritation evident in his voice.

"What is it now, old hag?" he bellowed, leaving no doubt that he was conversing with his mother. What a disrespectful child.

A barrage of equally vociferous shouts emanated from the other end of the phone call. I sighed, casting a glance at Katsuki. Like mother, like son. I wondered how his father managed to handle these two hotheads.

"Fine! I'll come over right away! But I won't stay long! I have a mission to complete!" he yelled, his shouts almost piercing my eardrums. He ended the call abruptly, without so much as a goodbye.

"We'll need to make a quick stop at my parents' house. I have some work to attend to there," he informed me. I shrugged.

"Whatever, it's not as if you're seeking my permission," I grumbled.

"Of course, I'm not asking. This is my car, and I'm driving it. It's practically my home. Furthermore, I don't require your orders," he arrogantly responded.

"Fine, just shut up and do whatever you want," I muttered, closing my eyes in frustration. Stay calm, Seiren! You need to control your anger. It's a test, and you must pass it.

"Don't order me!" he growled, but I remained silent, peering out of the window. How would I spend an entire day with this jerk?

After a while, we finally arrived at his place. I had seen his house in manga and anime, but experiencing it in reality left me awestruck. We stepped out of the car simultaneously, as it would be awkward if I stayed inside despite being there.

His mother emerged from the house, likely alerted by the sound of the car's arrival.

"Katsuki! You...Oh my God! Is that a girl?" she exclaimed, wide-eyed, as her gaze fixed upon me. Squirming under her intense scrutiny, I shifted uneasily.

"Hello, Mrs. Bakugo. I'm Seiren, Ground Zero's teammate for today's mission. Pleased to meet you," I formally introduced myself, offering a respectful bow.

"Oh, a teammate! I thought you were his girlfriend. Not that anyone would want to date my brat of a son," she sighed. I noticed Katsuki glaring at her intensely. I couldn't help but suppress a laugh.

"Hag, I would never date someone like her in the first place. Now, tell me, where is Hades?" Katsuki retorted. His blatant disrespect towards his mother grated on my nerves. So, I did what I had been itching to do since yesterday—I electrocuted him once again.

"Disrespect your mother again, and next time, the electrocution will be far worse," I stated with a satisfied expression. He clearly felt the pain, his body trembling from the electric shock, but his glare never wavered.

Turning my attention to his mother, Mitsuki Bakugo, I noticed her shock at witnessing her disrespectful son's punishment. I realized that I had electrocuted her son right in front of her eyes.

"I apologize, ma'am, for electrocuting your son," I sheepishly apologized, bowing deeply.

"Oh my goodness! You're an angel sent from heaven! Be my daughter-in-law!" she exclaimed, stepping towards me and enveloping me in an unexpected hug. My eyes widened at her sudden display of affection and her surprising words. Did she just ask me to be her... what?


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