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After the whole day of getting wished for my birthday from everyone, in the evening I finally got ready to go to the library just like how Kiera asked

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After the whole day of getting wished for my birthday from everyone, in the evening I finally got ready to go to the library just like how Kiera asked.

I waited for her outside the library but my best friend was a no show. So I texted and called her but again she was not responding to any of it.

I waited for next one hour and in worry I went to her place later. To check if something didn't go wrong with her.

"Is Kiera home?" I asked her mother.

"No, but she told me to tell you that she's at your place," She said.

"Why is she there?" I asked getting confused.

"You should go and find out, Sei dear," She said. I nodded and started to walk towards my home.

I saw the lights of my house were turned off. With the help of the spare keys, I entered the house.

"Surprise!" Said a whole lot of people in my house. Unknow people. Wait! Not exactly unknown! I know them!

"Wait! Hold on! What the actual fuck!" I sweared.

"Kiddo, language!" Keigo scolded me.

"Sorry, Kei... Wait! Keigo!" I said. I stared at the man with ash blonde hair in shock.

It was weird to see him without wings, but that was not my primary concern. Running towards him I jumped onto him pulling him into a tight hug as I let my emotions out, sobbing like a child.

"I missed you so much," I cried. He hugged me back with equal firmness.

"I missed you too, so much. Happy birthday, kiddo," He said.

"Thank you, You look good without wings, though it will take me time to get used to your human form," I said breaking the hug as I looked at him.

"I always look good, though it feels weird without wings and not being able to use quirk," He said. He's full of himself, that's the Keigo I know right there, no doubt. I chuckled shaking my head. I saw the man with purple hair.

"Hitoshi!" I cried proceeding to hug the tired eyed man. He gave me his most genuine and calmest smile as he embraced me.

"Happy birthday, Sei!" He said.

"Thank you!" I replied. Later, I ended up hugging everyone present in the room, they all wished me birthday. I didn't expect so many pro heroes to show up. Keigo, Hitoshi, Shoto, Izuku, Ochaco and Momo everyone were there except that one person I was longing to see so much.

"So, how did you like my surprise, birthday girl?" Kiera asked.

"The most beautiful surprise ever! How did you even manage to do it?" I asked.

"It was my idea actually," Keigo butted in. I raised my eyebrows.

"I raised a smart chicken!" I said with a pleased expression.

"First of all! I'm not a chicken and second! I raised you and not the other way around," He said flicking my forehead.

"So, as I was saying. I personally checked all the magic artefacts when they came under our possession and somehow I managed to find this magic watch which allows us to travel through dimensions! And now! Here we are!" He said. I nodded.

"I'm glad you did," I said.

"I know you were living in regrets of not saying proper goodbye to us and I cannot let my kiddo live in grief, it was a tough job but it paid back," He said.

"Thank you, Keigo," I said.

"It's weird that you guys still have the same hair color," Kiera commented.

"Yeah I thought the same thing!" I said.

"I can't think of myself in some other weird hair!" Keigo said. Both me and Kiera laughed.

"So, he didn't come?" I asked about Katsuki. Kiera shook his head.

"No, he didn't," She said. My heart ached at her words, but I forced a smile anyway.

"You should go to your room and change into a dress that I bought for you!" Kiera said pushing me towards my room.

"Fine fine! I can walk on my own!" I said as I started to walk faster saving myself from my weird best friend.


Two more chapters to gooooooo......

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