Chapter 1

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-Mizuki POV-

"Good morning Mizu-chan" said Tohru when she woke up.
"Good morning, Tohru" I said and continued drawing the forest.

I had been up for a few hours, since I have trouble sleeping for as long as I can remember.
It was getting hot, but I still wore the school sweater uniform. Since I don't want anyone to see my scars. It's too troubling, every time explaining what happened in the past. I don't need anyone's pity.

"Usually the days start to cool off in mid-September. But it looks like we're in for another hot one" said Tohru and smiled at me.
I put my sketchbook away and got ready for school.

Tohru looked at a picture of Kyoko in our tent. "Well, you look after our things while we're gone. Okay mom? Bye! We'll see you after school" she said and closed the tent.
'I miss you, Kyoko. We both do'

Since Kyoko died, I closed myself off even more. She was the only one willing to take me in when no one else wanted to. She and Tohru were my second family. No, they had been family for a while since we basically grew up together.

"We still have plenty of time before we need to get to class. Do you want to explore the area a little bit? Maybe find some new scenery to draw?" asked Tohru, getting me out of my own head.
"Yeah, sure" I said and followed her.

We arrived at the edge of a cliff and saw the whole city, it was beautiful...
I heard a little bell and saw a house.
"A new discovery" said Tohru and we walked closer to the house. "I didn't know there was a house here. Look, Mizu-chan! How cute!" she pointed at the Zodiac figurines.

"Oh, hello" said a stranger and when we looked up we saw a man. "This is a surprise. We don't get a lot of young girls wandering around here"
"Good morning, sir! We're so sorry! We shouldn't have been looking around without permission" apologised Tohru while bowing.

"It's fine. I just wouldn't imagen that teenagers like you two would find this place interesting" said the man.
"No, I really do, though. Especially these Zodiac figurines you've got, adorable" said Tohru.
"Yes, they're a favourite of mine too actually" said the man.

"Except, it looks like another set without the cat" said Tohru.
"The cat? Oh, right, I see. The old Zodiac folktale" said the man.
"Uhu" smiled Tohru. "My mom would tell it to us over and over when we were little"

"I remember that" I said and the man looked at me. "You were so sad with the story that you said you wanted to be born the year of the cat instead of the dog"
"Ah" said the man. "If he heard that little story, I wonder how he'd feel"

"Pardon?" said Tohru.
"So then" said the man. "The year of the Dog. That makes me feel so much closer to you already. After all, I'm a Dog..."
But he got interrupted by a bag on his head.

"Will you at least try to control your baser urges" it was Yuki Sohma, our classmate, prince of the school. Why they call him prince, I really don't understand. "Miss Honda, Miss Hirose. Hello, I hope my cousin here hasn't frightened you too badly"

"Wait, Sohma! Why are you here? I mean, good morning" said Tohru and bowed.
"Morning" he said and smiled.
'Why does he force himself to smile?'

"What's this? You three know each other?" asked the man.
"Miss Honda, Miss Hirose and I are in the same class" said Yuki.
"I'm Tohru Honda, it's nice to meet you" said Tohru and bowed again.

"I'm Mizuki Hirose" I said and bowed a little bit.
"Same here, my name's Shigure Sohma. Yuki's my little cousin" said the man.
"What brings you to our house this morning?" asked Yuki.

Tohru became very nervous.
"We live around here, that's all" she said.
"Around here? Really?" said Shigure.
"You do?" said Yuki.

"We'll just be going" said Tohru and grabbed my wrist.
"Hey, Tohru!" I shouted.
"Miss Honda, Miss Hirose?" said Yuki and Tohru stopped running.

"Yes?" she said.
"You're headed to school? Why don't we walk together?" he asked.
Tohru sweated even more...

"So, what brought you to our house?" asked Yuki to Tohru, I was walking behind them.
"Oh, we were looking for new scenery for Mizu-chan to draw. She really likes drawing nature" said Tohru.
'Why did you have to involve me too? I don't like talking to people I don't know well'

"Really? You draw?" said Yuki and I nodded. "What kind of drawings?"
"Sketches mostly. I like drawing nature and animals" I said and looked at the ground.
When we finally arrived at school, Tohru got grabbed aside by the "Prince Yuki fan club"...

"I'll see you in class" said Yuki and I just nodded.
I went to Hanajima and Uotani for help.
"Hey, Mizu. Where's Tohru?" asked Uotani.

"Prince Yuki fan club. She might need some help. We accidently walked together to school" I said and they followed me to Tohru.
The fan club was interrogating Tohru...

'They tire me out... this is why I hate attention'
"Hey" said Uotani and they all froze. "Don't pick a fight over something stupid just because your ego got bruised"
'Being a former gangster really helps sometimes'

"Like you're one to talk! You delinquents think that making threats solves everything!" shouted the president of the fan club.
"I'll use my waves" said Hanajima. "So play nice"

They all ran away, making me chuckle.
"Thank you so much" said Tohru. "Really, you saved me"

"You poor thing" said Uotani and hugged Tohru. "Cornered by those mean girls. Hey, don't actually do the wave thing Hanajima"
Hanajima relaxed and we all walked to our home economics class.

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