Chapter 23

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-Mizuki POV-

We were looking children's TV.
Kisa had brought some DVD's over to watch with us.
"Good morning" said Shigure.

"Good morning to you" said Tohru.
"Try again" said Yuki. "It's evening. Why can't you sleep like a normal person?"
"But that's precisely why I became a writer" said Shigure. "So that I wouldn't have to. So Kisa, tell me the latest. How's school?"

"Good" smiled Kisa. "I've been trying very hard. It's easier now, trying I mean... because my mom's there for me and all of you are too. I'm not alone... so..."
She was so cute... Tohru wrapped her arms around her.

"I love you so much!" said Tohru.
"It's an explosion of cute" I said.


The next day, I went to the orphanage, the children were doing great.
We decided to work with paint and in the end, it was fun, seeing paint on all of the paint on the children's faces.

"Mizuki!" shouted Miss Mika. "Your friend is here!"
"Oeh!" whispered the children and teased me.
"That's enough, kids" I laughed. "See you all in the weekend!"

"Bye Mizuki!" they shouted and I walked to the door.
Yuki laughed when he saw me.
"Okay, where on my face?" I chuckled and began to rub my cheek.

"Wait, let me help you" he chuckled and rubbed the paint off my cheek.
I blushed when his hand touched my cheek and he blushed a bit too.
He also put a strand of my hair behind my ear.

"Thank you" I whispered.
"You're welcome" he smiled.
"Oh, I'll have to wash my sweater again" I chuckled. "Those kids really like to play with paint"

"I thought you might needed a new one" he said and gave me one of his sweaters. "Here"
"Oh, no, it's fine" I said and he smiled.
"Please, Miss Hirose" he said. "I don't mind. I insist"

He smiled so beautifully at me...
I took off my sweater, I felt comfortable with Yuki seeing my scars now. I put my dirty sweater in my bag.

I accepted his sweater and put it on, it was way too big for me, but it smelled like him.
And I was happy my hair covered my ears, because I knew they would give me away.
"Thank you, Yuki" I said and smiled.
"You're welcome, Miss Hirose" he said.


We walked home and there was a new person in the house.
"Oh, Hiro" said Yuki. "Why are you here?"
"None of your business!" shouted Hiro.

"He came here to meet Tohru and Mizuki of course" said Shigure.
Hiro looked the same age as Kisa.
"And because he was jealous of Tohru" said Shigure and sticked out his tongue.

"I was not!" shouted Hiro.
"Well, for whatever reason you came here" I said. "I'm Mizuki Hirose, it's nice to meet you"
"Why are you wearing such a big sweater? Isn't that too hot?" he asked and I sighed.

"I like wearing these clothes" I said and smiled. "That's why I'm wearing them"
"Be nice, Hiro-chan" said Kisa. "Mizuki is very nice"
Hiro looked away and I smiled.
'Oh, I see now'


I saw Mitsuru at the door... almost hanging herself.
"Mitsuru!" I said and she looked at me. "Don't do that, just come in"
"Adult, like me" we heard Shigure say.

"Adult?" said Mitsuru. "In what world does a man who can't meet his deadlines count as an adult?"
"Hello" said Shigure.
"She was at the door" said Yuki.

"Seconds away from hanging herself" I said.
"Tell me why! Why can't you finish on time, no matter how many times I beg you!" screamed Mitsuru.
"It's a real mystery, isn't it" said Shigure. "We may never know"

Mitsuru cried. "You're a jerk, sensei!"
"Okay, okay, I'll do it" said Shigure and opened his study room.
"What? You're gonna write, really?" she said and followed him in his study room.

But Shigure slipped out. "Oh! I just remembered a pressing errand. Don't worry, I'll be right back"
"No wait!" screamed Mitsuru. "Whatever it is! Do it later!"

"It's so nosy, what does it take to get some peace and quiet around here?" said Hiro. "More tea, I'm still thirsty"
"I told you to stop that" said Kyo.

"I'll go get another pot started" said Tohru.
"And you! Stop obeying his every word!" shouted Kyo. "At least Mizuki ignores him when he orders her around"
"Well yeah, I don't like to be bossed around" I said and walked out of the living room.

Hiro had been coming over a lot, so one time he tried ordering me around, and I ignored him the entire time, until he finally stopped.


A few days passed and we saw the prince Yuki fan club talking to Hanajima.
"I smell something fishy" I said to Uotani and Tohru.
When the two girls left Uotani waved Hanajima over.

"Hey, you okay?" she asked.
"Oh, so you saw?" asked Hanajima.
"Yeah, what's up?" asked Uotani. "Is there some kind of problem?"

"No, I don't believe so. But they were expressing an interest in visiting my house. It's odd" said Hanajima. "They're apparently writing an article on waves for the paper, so"
"Heh?" I said. "Don't get me wrong, Hanajima. But why would they want to write about that?"

"Who knows" she said. "But whatever their reasons, there was definitely something unpleasant about their waves"
"So did you tell them that they could come over?" asked Uotani.

"Sure, why would I refuse?" said Hanajima. "I never back down from a wave fight"
"Now that's what I'm talking about" said Uotani. "Well, whatever's going down, I want in. Alright if I stop by later?"

"Yes, feel free" said Hanajima. "Would you two like to come too?"
"Sure" I said. "I don't have to go to the orphanage today"
"Oh, sorry" said Tohru. "I have to work today. Then after, Kisa and Hiro are coming over, so... you know..."
"Sure, of course. It's fine" said Hanajima.


But Tohru was so worried, so she came with us in the end.
"Hello" said Hanajima when she opened the door.
"Check it" said Uotani.

"Hana-chan" said Torhu.
"What are you doing here?" asked Hanajima.
"Same thing we are" I said.

"Hana-chan, are Kinnoshita and the others still here?" asked Tohru.
"Tohru, Arisa, Mizuki. Hello, it's been a while" said Megumi, Hanajima's younger brother.
"Hey kid" said Uotani.

"It has" said Tohru. "How have you been doing, Megumi?"
She went to Megumi so I talked to Hanajima.
"She got permission to go in later for work. She was really worried about you" I said.

"Somebody needs to get to work" said Hanajima. "Would you like to escort Tohru with us, Megumi?"
"I would" said Megumi.
"The more the merrier" said Uotani.


The next day, the members of the Yuki fan club who went to Hanajima's house, looked really weird...
"Hello ladies" said Hanajima.
"Nice to see you" said Tohru.

I just ignored them...
"Yes, hello" said the leader of the club. "We may have not prepared well, yesterday. But the Prince Yuki fan club will never be defeated by the likes of you!"

"Whatever you say" said Hanajima.
The girls began to walk away and Hanajima smiled.
"Oh" she said. "The curse requires 3 days to take effect"

"You mean... the curse is real?" asked the leader.
"I suppose you'll find out in 3 days" said Hanajima.
"Well, shall we?" I asked and we left the 3 girls freaking out.

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