Chapter 9

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-Mizuki POV-

I couldn't believe he was here...
"You're... you're here" I managed to get out.
"Who's that?" asked Tohru's aunt.

"Wait, Sohma. I don't understand" said Tohru, but a hand fell on her head, it was Kyo.
"It's time to go" he said.
"What? You're here too, Kyo?" asked Tohru, but Kyo dragged her outside.

"We're sorry for the interruption" said Yuki. "Your door was unlocked, so we let ourselves in. Are Miss Hirose and Miss Honda's things upstairs?"
"Now, just a moment. What is this about?" asked Tohru's aunt.

"Can't you tell?" asked Yuki. "We've come for Miss Hirose and Miss Honda"
"Wait" said Tohru's cousin. "Are you from the house where Mizuki and Tohru were playing living girlfriends? That would mean you're actually a guy!"

Yuki flicked the cousin's forehead really hard, so hard that the cousin fell on the ground...
"Be careful about how you speak about Miss Hirose and Miss Honda in the future, scum" said Yuki and he turned to me. He held out his hand and I softly laid mine in his.
"Let's get your things, Miss Hirose" he said and I followed him out of the door, up to the stairs.

I got everything together in the bags and Yuki held my hand again.
"You came for us" I whispered and he smiled.
"Of course we did" he said.

"How much did you hear?" I asked.
"Enough" he said and squeezed my hand. "You are not alone anymore"
Tears began to fall and he softly wiped them away and I didn't flinch from his touch, I even leaned into it a bit.
"Let's go home" he whispered and I nodded.

Yuki and I walked hand in hand outside and we saw that Tohru was also crying.
Kyo held her hand and we walked like that, until we were back home...


When we were home, Shigure was waiting for us and clapping...
"You captured the fair maidens" he said. "Congratulations, boys"
"You make us sound really creepy when you put it that way" said Kyo.

"Let's go with rescued the fair maidens" said Yuki.
"Ehm... I'm guessing we're moving back in here again" said Tohru.
"So it would appear. And if there's any fallout, leave it to me" said Shigure.

"Oh, no. we couldn't ask you to do that" said Tohru. "We put you through so much trouble already"
"Don't be silly" said Shigure. "It's good you two are back. These two tried awfully hard after all. Couldn't have been easy, swallowing their pride, stealing your note, dashing off onto a desperate search for the two of you. It was impressive, I have to say. I've never seen our Yuki go to pieces quite like that"

Yuki blushed, it was really cute.
"I did not go to pieces! That much..." said Yuki.
"You liar" said Kyo. "Your face was basically screaming regret after Mizuki..."

But he couldn't say anything more, since Yuki kicked him in his chin...
"I believe that was your face" said Yuki.
I chuckled and smiled.

"It's not a perfect home" said Shigure. "But it's yours, if you want it"
"Yes" both Tohru and I said at the same time.
"Today is the day I take you out!" shouted Kyo.
"This just keeps getting more embarrassing..." said Yuki.


A few days later

It was time for my personal hell... better known as: 'The Culture festival'
'Please let this day be over fast...'
Our class was a great success, but the rice ball sale was only going well, because our senpai's had convinced Yuki to wear a dress.

'I don't think he likes the attention...'
Even some of the teachers came by to get a picture...
'He does look cute though'

"They're only selling so well because Honda and Hirose made them so well" said a classmate.
"No, it wasn't a big deal" said Tohru.
I noticed Kyo looking at a rice ball in the form of a cat.

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