Chapter 2

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-Mizuki POV-

After my work at the orphanage, I walked to where Tohru works.
'It was nice of the cook to give me some leftovers for later'
"Eh, Tohru? Are you okay?" I asked when I saw her walk outside. She walked slow and it looked like her back hurt...

"I'm fine..." she said and smiled.
We walked through the woods back to our tent and I had to stop Tohru from falling a couple of times.
She opened the tent and turned on the flash light.

"Hey, mom. We're finally back. I'm really sleepy. But I still have some homework to finish before tomorrow. I'm feeling a little weak and light headed" she said and I sighed.
I switched my clothes to more comfortable ones.

"Maybe we should get you checked with a doctor" I said while putting on my mom's sweater with long sleeves. I undid my braid and let my hair fall on my back.
"No, I'll wash my face. That should wake me up" she said and got a towel and went outside the tent.

But she stopped and I heard laughing.
"Tohru? Who is that?" I asked and opened the tent a bit more, and I saw a laughing Shigure and a stunned Yuki.
"It isn't that funny" said Yuki.


They took us to their house and we sat down around the table. I had grabbed my sketchbook, since I never go anywhere without it.
"I thought something was strange. The Sohma's own all the land in the area" said Yuki, while Shigure was still laughing...

"Ehm... would it be okay... if we lived there just a little longer? We'll leave as soon as the renovations are over, I swear" said Tohru. "Please... we don't have a lot of extra money... but we'll pay"
"That's a dangerous spot. The cliffs aren't too stable" said Shigure.

"Oh, you're finally done laughing" said Yuki.
"Not to mention, two young girls can't spend months living alone in a tent" said Shigure.
Tohru stood up. "No, it's all right! We're even used to the slugs! I promise, we've got the strength and willpower to see this through! So please, just let us..." she said but she fainted.

"Tohru!" I shouted and caught her before she fell on the ground.
"Miss Honda!" said Yuki and went to us.
I held my hand on her forehead, and it was hot...

"She has a fever..." I said, I noticed my sleeve went down a bit and I quickly covered my arm again. Hoping that Yuki didn't see it...
"I'll grab some ice to help cool her down a little" said Shigure and opened the door to the kitchen...

But it was one giant mess...
"But... getting to it could take a while" he said.
"It's the toxic jungle..." said Tohru, making me chuckle.
"Nice analogy" said Shigure.

I heard wolves howling...
"There, see. What did I just tell you. Part of the cliff has crumbled" said Shigure.
"What? How can you tell?" I asked.
"Oh, I like to call it my animal instinct" said Shigure.

"Enough joking" said Yuki. "Do you know exactly what part of the cliff collapsed?"
"How awful... surely it was nowhere near our tent" smiled Tohru.
"Surely not" laughed Shigure.

But, when we went to see our tent... it was completely buried...
"Wait a sec. Mom's picture is still inside!" shouted Tohru and ran to the hill of earth...
"Tohru, stop!" I shouted and got her off the dirt and hugged her. "Please, calm down"

Tohru hugged me tightly back, grabbing the back of my sweater.
"But, she's still in there... she's trapped... I have to get her out... she can't breathe..." cried Tohru and I rubbed her back.

Shigure laid his hand on her shoulder. "Why don't we come back in the morning, when there's more light? What if something happened to you? I doubt your mom would want you to get hurt, right?" he said.
"He's right, Tohru. A picture of my mother is in there too. But you have a fever... we can get both of them out in the morning. Okay?" I said and she nodded.

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