Chapter 20

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-Mizuki POV-

I was happy when Yuki came to find me. I always calmed down when he was around, he made me feel happy.
Tohru and I stood by the lake.

"Looking at this view, you can almost feel your worries melting away" she said.
"Really? I still feel the tension" I said and looked at the boys behind us.
"That jerk, is he gonna stay the night?" said Yuki.

"He's your idiot brother, do something about him" said Kyo.
"Don't you think I would if I could" said Yuki. "I hate people who are so dependant"
"You're the one piggybacking off Shigure. Sounds like dependency is a family trait" said Kyo.

"Shut up! That's none of your business!" said Yuki. "Don't talk to me about my life"
"I don't want to talk to you at all" said Kyo. "The only reason I'm looking at you is because you're in my space"

"In that case maybe you should leave" said Yuki.
"Eh, guys" I said.
"Do you really think I would be at the damn lake with you if I had a choice?" said Kyo.

"Believe me, being here is an exercise in torture for mee too" said Yuki.
"Well, this dumb place..." said Kyo, but they suddenly realised we were standing there too and hearing everything they said.

"It's not that, Miss Hirose" said Yuki.
"I just don't like it that he's here. That's the problem" said Kyo to Tohru.
"Right... heh?" both Tohru and I said at the same time.

"I mean... never mind" said Yuki.
"As long as you understand" said Kyo.
"Isn't it beautiful?" I said, looking at the lake.

"Maybe we should do a lap around the lake so we can see the whole thing" said Tohru.
"Okay" said Yuki.
"Sure" said Kyo.


When we came back, Hatori, Ayame and Shigure were waiting for us.
"Yuki! You returned!" said Ayame. "Did you have fun with your friends?"
"I am not his friend!" shouted Kyo.

"By the way" said Ayame, totally ignoring Kyo. "Tori gave me some sound advice, regarding our relationship. I shall be more aggressive in my attempts to deepen our brotherly bond! That is no doubt the best course"

"Sorry, but... what do you mean aggressive?" asked Tohru.
'I have a bad feeling about this...'
"You see, Yuki is my younger brother, and I am his older brother. With that truth in mind! I declare the following!" shouted Ayame. "Yuki! As I am your elder! You must obey me!"

"Oh for crying out loud" I whispered.
"Not in a million years!" said Yuki and kicked Ayame.


After our short vacation, we could spent time at the pool.
But, I sat on the stairs with my clothes on, looking at how my friends were playing in the water.
"Mizu-chan!" Tohru ran to me. "Do you have an extra hair tie for Hana-chan?"

I took one of my hair ties off my wrist and gave it to her.
"Thank you!" she said and ran off to our friends.

I pulled my knees up to my chest, I wanted to take my sweater off, since it was so hot... I was happy I put on something light, but still, it would've been nice to swim with my friends...
Suddenly Uotani began to cry...
She and Hanajima joined me on the stairs.

"I don't understand what the problem is" said Hanajima. "You should be used to it at this point. I mean, we see Tohru in her school swimsuit every year"
"Come on, can you really blame me?" said Uotani. "We were stuck with those ugly things in middle school, but we get to wear whatever now. Even you, Mizuki, is that the sweater that friend gave you? You always wear what he gives you"

"His clothes are very comfortable" I smiled.
"I think it's adorable, from both Tohru and Mizuki" said Hanajima.
"Hey! I don't say it doesn't look cute or it's embarrassing or anything like that" said Uotani. "Just, I don't know... seeing them in that swimsuit and sweater kinda gives me the same feeling I get when old people come into the convenient store to buy food. You know what I'm talking about? I mean, it's probably no big deal to grandma and grandpa, but I can't freaking stand the sight of it! It's just too damn sad! And I can't help it. I start bawling and burst into tears right then and there"

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