Chapter 12

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-Mizuki POV-

Tohru and I did the groceries while the boys waited outside.
The winter break was over, and our third school term has begun...
"Thanks for waiting" said Tohru.

"I'm sick of your smug face!" shouted Kyo to Yuki.
'Really? Again?' I sighed.
"Let's take this outside!" he shouted.

"We're already outside, you idiot" said Yuki.
"Ehm, you guys?" I said.
"Thank you for doing the shopping, Miss Hirose, Miss Honda" said Yuki, he grabbed one of the bags I was carrying. "Here"

"There's a lot, sorry" I said.
"It's no trouble" he said. "Why don't you try make yourself useful, you dumb cat?"
"Watch who you're calling dumb!" shouted Kyo. "Give me those! I'll carry both of them"

"Looks like your wish didn't really worked" I said to Tohru.
"I'm afraid so too" she said. "You never told me your wish, Mizu-chan"
"If I tell you, it won't come out" I said.

The boys kept fighting and Yuki stuffed some chives into Kyo's mouth.
'Well, that's a waste of chives...'
"Poor thing, are you going to be okay?" asked Tohru.
"That should keep him quiet for a while at least" said Yuki and I laughed a little.
But Yuki coughed a bit and I stopped smiling.


"All done, who wants the next turn?" asked Shigure when he came back from the bathroom. "Yuki, bath time"
"I'll skip it today" said Yuki.

"No bath? How disgusting, you dirty boy" said Shigure and I rolled my eyes.
"I think I have a cold, that's why" said Yuki.
"A cold?" said Tohru and immeadiatly checked Yuki's temperature. "Are you running a fever? You do feel a little warm"

"The quicker you can treat a cold, the sooner you'll feel better" said Shigure. "Let's see if I can find you some medicine"
"You should probably stay home from school tomorrow. Just to be on the safe side" said Tohru.

"No, it's alright" said Yuki. "I'm sure I'll be fine"
"But, we're running the marathon" I said. "You'll just make yourself worse"
"Running in this chilly weather? That sounds like torture" said Shigure. "These old bones couldn't handle it"

"Hold on a second" said Kyo. His eyes were glowing with fire... "Did you say... marathon? As in... a race? A race run in groups. Which means... it's a competition!"
'Oh good grief...'

"No, but Sohma has a cold. He can't run tomorrow" said Tohru.
"A cold? You're gonna bail on a race 'cause you've got the sniffles?" said Kyo. "It's on! You better not back down!"
Kyo left and closed the door...

"Seriously" said Shigure. "Don't overdo it. If your body gets too weak from this cold, you're going to transform. And I really doubt you want that"
"I know" said Yuki.
'I have a bad feeling about this'


I hated big crowds...
Everyone was staring at Yuki. It was kind of creepy...
"Sohma" I said and walked to him. "Are you going to be okay? You didn't eat much breakfast this morning"

"I'm fine, Miss Hirose" he said. "I'll make it through somehow. Besides... if I don't compete, I'll never hear the end of it"
Suddenly, someone grabbed my arm.

"Hey! Hirose!" it was someone from Yuki's fan club.
I was breathing heavily...
"You and Yuki are looking awfully buddy-buddy over here" she said.

Suddenly, someone grabbed my other arm...
"The girl's race is about to start! Better get moving" said the other girl.
"Please... let go of me" I managed to get out.

"Hey" it was Kyo. "Let Mizuki go"
He was looking angry at the girls and they both stepped back and let go of my arms.
"Miss Hirose? Are you okay?" asked Yuki.
"Tohru, get Tohru, please" I whispered and grabbed the front of my shirt.

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