Chapter 5

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-Mizuki POV-

'Great, a culture festival next month... even more people...' I sighed, we were trying to decide what our class was going to do for the festival.
"It's decided, for the festival, our class is going to operate a rice ball stand" said Yuki. "With that settled, I'd like to hear everyone's thoughts on what kinds of fillings we should use"

Tohru raised her hand and stood up. "What if we did colour rice balls? So that in every rice ball, people get 3 different fillings to try. A bargain" she said and smiled.
"That's cute, I like it" said Yuki.

"Seriously?" said a girl from our class. "We totally need to ditch that idea, Yuki"
"Yeah. What if she suggest a tuna, kelp, pickle plumb combo?" said another girl.
"Oh my gosh, that would be so disgusting" laughed her friend.

Uotani leaned on a metal pipe she brought and smashed it on their table.
"Nowhere as near as disgusting as your personalities, morons" she said.
"What kind of sicko brings a steel pipe to school?" shouted the girl.

"I say we should do rice ball battles" said Kyo. "Brutal head to head matches, first to pin their opponent wins. Weapons are allowed. And customers do have to get out for their rice balls. And the only rule is no killing"
"Hard pass" we all said in union.

"I'm trying to contribute here!" shouted Kyo. "You jerks could at least think about it!"
"What if some of the rice balls are actually duds?" said Yuki. "We could make a deal where you buy 3 and get a fourth one for free. Only some of them are simply, empty"

"Sounds great!" said everyone, except Kyo.
"You shoot me down, but accept his dumb idea?!" he shouted.
"Sorry Kyon-Kyon. Yours was way too weird" said one of his friends.

"Don't pout about it, Kyon-Kyon" said another friend.
"Don't call me Kyon-Kyon" said Kyo.
"Don't be mad, Kyon-Kyon" said his friends.

But suddenly I saw cats running inside and sit around Kyo.
"Look! Cats!" shouted a girl.
"What the heck! How did they get in here?" shouted someone else.

"That's it!" shouted Kyo and stood up. "I'm out of here!" he broke down the door and was gone.
"Wait! Kyon-Kyon! You have to tell us what's up with the cats!" shouted his friend.
"Very strange" said Hanajima, making Tohru flinch.
"Yeah, don't worry, you're still the strangest person at this school" said Uotani. "That guy has a really hot temper, doesn't take much. He's the total opposite of our prince"

Tohru went out to look for Kyo.
"What are you drawing this time, Miss Hirose?" asked Yuki, he suddenly stood in front of my desk.
"Oh, roses" I whispered and continued drawing.

"It's beautiful" he said and I closed my drawing book. "Sorry"
"It's fine, I'll finish it later" I said. "Are you okay?"
"Oh, yes. I'm fine, don't worry Miss Hirose" he said and smiled.
I sighed. "You know, you don't have to fake smile around me. If something is bothering you, you can tell me" I said and stood up.


"Let's play rich man poor man" said Tohru while holding up the cards. She had found Kyo not long after he had run off. It was break time and I just wanted to finish my drawing.
"No, go and bother Yuki" said Kyo. "I don't wanna play"

"I would, but Sohma's not around right now" said Tohru.
Yuki was busy doing class rep work.
"Bummer, I was looking forward to playing you. You're so stupid and incompetent I figured you'd make easy picking. Way to ruin my fun, thanks a lot" Uotani was pressing Kyo's buttons... "Running away from a fight like you're some scared little boy. It's pathetic"

And it was working... Kyo stood up and faced her.
"Okay, you're on. But I'm not gonna dry your eyes when you lose. Got it, gangster girl?" said Kyo.
"Whoever comes in last has to do everyone else cleaning duty" said Uotani.
"Cosy" said Hanajima. "It's such an inviting mass of waves"
"That's strange. I wonder why Sohma's not back yet" I said and looked at the door.

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