Chapter 38

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-Yuki POV-

"Here, you sure you don't want to see the nurse?" asked Kakeru when we were outside.
"I'm fine" I said. "Just need some fresh air, that's all"
"I don't blame you" he said. "Stuck in a dark room with paint spilled everywhere, it'd make anyone sick"

"To be honest" I said. "It wasn't just the paint fumes. It brought back some bad memories"
"Painful stuff?" he asked.
"You could say that" I said.

"Like what? Is it a shameful secret?" he asked. "Tell Manabe!"
"Oh, geez! Why are you always like this?" I asked.
"Just say it straight out already! You can't expect an idiot like me to guess what you're thinking" he said.

"It's something... I haven't told anyone" I said. "Not even the persons at the heart of it. It's not shameful, just pitiful and pathetic"
I remembered my past... first time meeting Akito, how one day it got worse...

Meeting Kyo, making friends, losing those friends,...
Running away, meeting Miss Honda, helping her, crashing down, meeting Mizuki...
"Thank you again, for brining my sister back, Mr Rat. I hope we meet again someday!"

How I felt useful, helping Miss Honda...
How I had found myself clinging to Mizuki...

"So, what's this pitiful, pathetic secret of yours?" asked Kakeru, getting me out of my head. "You've been sitting there, all quiet"

"Sorry" I said. "I got lost in an old memory. It was a dark time in my life. I was abandoned by my parents and kept isolated from the rest of the world. That's around when I met Miss Honda and Mizuki. It was just once, we were really little. And I didn't ask their names. So I didn't realise it was them when I finally met them again. That day, Miss Honda gave me hope, Mizuki gave me strength. Made me want to stay strong, 'cause the world's not all dark. But it didn't last. In time I got weak again. I could see what was happening of course. But little by little, I began to lose the small amount of ground I'd gained. I'm an idiot... ultimately, I withdrew into my shell. As if by rejecting the world, I could protect myself. I was lost, but then... they showed up again. Like they had so long before... to remind me, what I had forgotten. Always there... by my side, willing to listen to any stupid thing I wanted to talk about. Miss Honda... she didn't scold, just heard me out, over and over... time and again, she accepted me. She's precious to me, like a mother"

"But Hirose's different, isn't she?" he asked and I looked at him. "You don't see Hirose as a mother, do you?"
"No" I said and smiled. "Mizuki... she's been there for me. Giving me strength, being there for me when I need her the most... Listening, waiting for me... accepting me... I want her to be happy, more than anybody else"

"Man, you've fallen hard" he said.
"Yeah" I admitted for the first time. "I love her, more than anything"
I remembered the first time I realised my feelings... when she fell asleep when Kyo transformed. I remember I wanted to keep her nightmares away forever...

I remembered the time I kissed her... how I wanted to hold her...
"Do you realise, she loves you as well?" he asked and I looked at him. "She was worried when you were in that room. And I see how she looks at you. She's in love with you as well"
"Maybe one day" I said. "I'll tell her, properly"


-Mizuki POV-

"Kuragi!" I shouted when I saw her. "Thank you, for telling me about Yuki"
"No problem" she said seriously. "He cares for you, you two have a lot in common"
"Really?" I said. "And here I thought you and I had the most in common"

"What do you mean?" she asked and I sat down on the ground, I patted the place next to me and she sat down. "Don't be mad at Yuki, but he told me you made a mess of the student council room once?"

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