Chapter 14

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-Mizuki POV-

"That's it, time's up" said Miss Shiraki, our final exams of this semester and our first year of High School were finally over... "No complaining, pass your tests to the front"
"Miss Hirose? Miss Honda? How did it go?" asked Yuki.

"You know what? I think I did much better than I expected to! I filled in a lot more of the blanks than usual" said Tohru.
"I think it went okay" I smiled. "Thank you for tutoring us"

"Yes, the way you explained things was so clear" said Tohru. "I couldn't have done it without you"
"Thanks, but it was nothing" said Yuki and smiled.

"Hey Hanajima" said one of the boys in our class. "You're lucky you've got that brain wave stuff. I bet you ace every test. Don't you?"
"How did you feel about the mid-terms?" asked the other boy.

"Oh those?" said Hanajima. "Let's see. I went to special tutoring for them. After the test the school called my house. Yes, I recall my mother weeping"
"But eh... what about your wave powers?" asked the first guy.

"The logical conclusion is that I'm an idiot" said Hanajima. "So much that my powers can't make up for it"
"I wouldn't worry much about that" said Uotani. "At least you can be sure you'll never be the dumbest person in the room"

She looked at Kyo.
"What's that?" said Kyo. "For your sake I hope you're not talking about me"
"Eh... dude, obviously I am" said Uotani.

"I never took review lessons and no one has ever had to call my parents!" shouted Kyo.
"Yeah, turns out Kyon-kyon's a surprisingly good student" said the other guy.
"Why is that surprising?" asked Kyo.

"Weird" said Uotani. "So he doesn't suck at everything that's competitive?"
"I'm gonna end every one of you" said Kyo.
"I get it" said Tohru. "Kyo's been hold up in his room a lot lately. He must have been up there studying the entire time"

"So it would seem" said Yuki.
"Honda?" it was Miss Shiraki. "Come here a second"
Tohru ran to her and she looked surprised and bowed apologetic to our teacher.

"Is something wrong?" I asked.
"Oh, eh... no it's nothing really" she said. "I've just got to work harder! Swap, swap! That's my job!"


When Tohru came back from work, Momiji came back.
"Oh, Momiji" I said. "I didn't know you were coming over today"
"Mizuki! I have a surprise for you too" he said and we gathered around the table. "I've never seen Shin-chan's house before!"

"What is that noisy brat doing here?" asked Kyo.
"Did your bath made you grumpy, kitty?" asked Momiji.
"You're gonna have to town down the hyper, you got that?" said Kyo.

"So, Momiji" said Shigure. "Did you tell them why you're staying over tonight?"
"Not yet" said Momiji. "Question for Tohru and Mizuki! What day is it tomorrow?"
"March 14th" I said.

"Bingo! That means it's white day!" said Momiji. "As my gift to you two, I'm taking you to a hot spring so you can relax! Surprise!"
'A hot spring? Where you have to bathe naked?'

I folded my hands together and tried not to show that I didn't really like the idea, Momiji had been so nice to us. And I don't want to ruin his surprise...
"Which inn are you going to?" asked Yuki.

"Well, there is one around by the Sohma's, so..." said Momiji.
"Yeah, makes sense" said Yuki.
"Ehm... a hot spring is so expensive..." said Tohru. "And I'd be going without mom... what would she have to say about this?"

"It's not that big of a deal" said Shigure. "It's just a little hot water. He isn't suggesting you take a trip to Paris or something"
"I know... but..." said Tohru.

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