Chapter 36

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-Mizuki POV-

We finally went on our trip.
And the view in autumn, was beautiful...
"This bamboo forest is so amazing" said Tohru. "The autumn leaves are beautiful"

"That they are" I whispered, I was itching to draw something.
"I don't know about this" said Uotani. "Doesn't seem like the place you want to visit with a big group of people if you ask me. Sort of ruins the atmosphere, you know?"

"You do realise it wouldn't be a class trip without the class here for it?" said Yuki.
"It's torture not being allowed to eat whatever I wish" said Hanajima. "I want some haring soba"
"You love your food" said Kyo.

"Tell you what ladies" said Uotani and wrapped her arms around us. "We'll plan another trip here, just for us girls though"
"I'm in" I smiled.

"Sounds wonderful" said Hanajima.
"That would be fun" said Tohru. "Can we spent longer checking out the temples next time?"
"We'll do whatever we want" said Uotani. "Taking relaxing strolls among the gardens"

"Eat delicious food from every restaurant" said Hanajima.
"Drawing the most beautiful places" I said.
"And maybe witness a murder" said Hanajima and Uotani at the same time.

For some reason, a lot of people confessed their love on this trip...
"Tohru, Mizuki" said Uotani. "Don't you think it's kind of weird? If tons of people are confessing their love, shouldn't our prince here be surrounded by girls? Where are his adoring fans?"

"Heh, now that you mention it" said Tohru.
"I'm just not as popular as you think I am, Uotani. Sorry" said Yuki.
"Yeah, we'll see about that" said Uotani. "Or maybe, it's because you're hoping on a confession of someone in particular"

She looked at me and Yuki and I both blushed.
"Uotani, what are you talking about?" I said and she laughed.
"You're so adorable, Mizu" she said and wrapped her arm around me.

"Seriously, Kyo's the popular one" said Yuki, trying to change the subject. "A girl actually pulled him aside just now"
"Heh? Hey, you're right" said Uotani. "He's gone! Let's go, I got to see this!"
"Wait, we're gonna spy on him?" asked one of Kyo's friends and followed Uotani.

"Count me in!" shouted the other one.
"You too, Hana-chan?" asked Tohru when Hanajima followed them.
"Mizuki, Miss Honda. Why don't we go on ahead without them?" asked Yuki.

"But... I..." said Tohru.
"Don't worry, he'll say no" said Yuki. "I'm sure of it"
After a little while, we heard yelling and crying?

"Is everything okay?" asked Tohru.
It was Kyo and the others.
"Not to worry, Tohru" said Hanajima. "I got things well in hand here. I was with them the entire time"

"Do I even want to know what happened?" I asked when I saw Kyo's friends crying and Uotani almost pulling her hair out.
"So, what's up?" asked Tohru to Kyo. "All that yelling, something must've happened, right?"

"Leave it" said Kyo. "It's none of your business"
Yuki hit Kyo hard on his head.
"What was that for?" yelled Kyo. "Geez, everyone is either yelling at me or hitting me today!"
"Good, you deserve it, you idiot" said Yuki.


I went to an art shop, to buy new pencils and a new sketchbook.
The cover was beautiful, with a temple on it.
I smiled and stood up to pay up.

"That's beautiful" it was Yuki.
"I think so too" I smiled. "My old sketchbook is almost full. Are you buying something?"

"Not sure yet" he said. "I wanted to buy something for the members of the student council. But I don't know what yet"
"Want some help?" I asked and he smiled.
"That would be nice" he said.

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