Chapter 32

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-Yuki POV-

"When I was younger, I thought that if I swallowed a seed, a watermelon would start to grow in my stomach" said Haru while we were cleaning up.
"Seriously?" I said.

"Where did the kids go to?" asked Haru.
"Inside" I said. "Miss Honda went with them. I guess they were tired"
I saw them sleep on the ground.

I saw Miss Honda walk closer and put a blanket on them, and it made me smile.
But, I heard someone hum a melody.
"Mizuki's over there, wonder what's she's drawing this time" said Haru.

I looked at Miss Hirose, she was concentrated on drawing. There was crayon on her face again and when she rubbed her cheek, she only made it worse.
It made me smile and I listened to her humming.

'Akito came every day. To bury me under more darkness. To whisper pitch black things, in that pitch black room... to take away any light I'd imagined. Until what I wanted seemed impossible to have'

"Hey, Mizuki" it was Kyo.
"Oh, hey Kyo" said Miss Hirose. "Is Tohru still inside?"
"Yeah, she wants to watch over the kids a little longer" said Kyo and sat down next to her. "Don't tell me you're actually drawing the watermelon splitting contest"

"Of course I am" she smiled. "It's a fun memory"
Hearing Kyo call Miss Hirose by her first name and see him sit down next to her, made me feel... jealous...
"I think... I need a walk" I said.
"Yuki" said Haru. "It makes us stronger"

-Mizuki POV-

"Akito came?" said Tohru when Shigure told us. "Really?"
"Yes, arrived just now, in the flesh" said Shigure.
"Is Akito going to stay here?" asked Momiji, who had just woken up.

"Of course not" said Shigure. "The annex is being prepared as well. Anyway, we should go over and say hello"
"Should we get changed first?" asked Hiro.

"No, you're fine like that" said Shigure. "Does anybody know where Yuki is?"
I had begun to worry... Yuki hadn't come back yet...
"Out walking" said Haru.

"Oh, is he?" said Shigure. "Well, he can pay his respects later then"
"Hey, you're not gonna drag Tohru and Mizuki along with you guys are you?" asked Kyo.
"No, no" said Shigure. "I think it'll just be the family for today. Sorry"

"Oh, no. That's fine" said Tohru.
"You two stay here" said Shigure. "Keep Kyo out of trouble while we're gone. And keep an eye out for Yuki"

"Stop" said Kyo when he saw Tohru looking sad. "The cat doesn't go to the family gatherings. That's how it is, no big deal"
"Well, we'll see you later then!" said Momiji.

"Bye Tohru, bye Mizuki" said Kisa.
"Right, we shouldn't be back too late" said Shigure. "I'm sure you can keep yourselves occupied"
They left the room and I looked down at my sketchbook.

"Akito only came to ruin everyone's fun" said Kyo. "It's always been like this. Same old crap. Comes in, makes everybody miserable and then leaves"
"Then... let's cook!" shouted Tohru.

"What now?" said Kyo.
"You heard me, Kyo!" said Tohru. "Now's not the time for us to act all gloomy and disappointed! Let's cheer up! Look lively! Have fun!"

"Could you dial it down a notch or two?" asked Kyo.
"All right! Then it's settled, I'm gonna cook something" said Tohru.

"You two have fun" I said and stood up. "I'm gonna go to the beach, to draw a little more if you don't mind"
"Of course not" said Tohru.


I sat on the stairs and looked over at the sea.
I hoped that I would see Yuki on his way back to the house.
The sound of the sea was relaxing, so I took out my sketchbook and drew a little more.

Broken Moonlight (Yuki x OC)Where stories live. Discover now