Chapter 29

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-Yuki POV-

"Honda, please take Hirose outside for a few minutes" said Miss Shiraki, it was only now I realised how frightened Miss Hirose looked.
'Why didn't I notice?'

I saw that Momiji was holding her hand, he had noticed.
Miss Honda took Miss Hirose outside.
They sat down on a bench and Miss Honda was comforting Miss Hirose.

"I should've noticed" I whispered to myself.
"You were busy trying to calm down Haru" said Momiji. "She understands"
After a few minutes Miss Hirose and Miss Honda came back inside the building.

-Mizuki POV-

Yuki looked at us when we walked back inside and I smiled at him.
I felt better now, and I didn't want him to worry.
"Will Haru be okay?" I asked. "What do you think will happen?"

"At the very least he'll get chewed out for destroying that room" said Kyo.
"He snapped" said Yuki. "It must have taken something serious to make him go that dark"
"Well, I wasn't watching him the whole time in class" said Momiji. "But I thought things seemed pretty normal. Though, I get the feeling something might have happened recently. He's just... been a little down"

Haru walked up the stairs.
"Hey!" said Tohru. "How did it go?"
"Yah, did you get yelled at?" asked Momiji.

"Mhm, and they called my mom" said Haru. "She's gonna come and get me. Honda, I'm sorry, for getting so rough with you"
"No, don't worry, I'm fine" said Tohru.
"Kyo, nice fight" said Haru.

"Weirdo" said Kyo.
"Mizuki" said Haru. "I'm sorry, for scaring you"
"It's fine" I whispered.

"Okay" he said. "See ya"
"Where are you going, Haru?" asked Momiji.
"Mom will take forever" said Haru. "It'll be an hour before she gets her make-up on and whatever else. I'll kill some time"

"Are you sure?" asked Tohru.
"Classic Haru" said Kyo. "Acting like nothing even happened"
I looked at Yuki, who was looking worried at Haru.

"He shouldn't be alone right now" I said.
He looked at me and nodded.
"I'll talk to him" he said and ran after Haru. "Miss Hirose, please. Go home without me"

"No problem" I said.
"If anyone can get through to him, it's Yuki" said Momiji. "He's our best bet"
"Well, I'll go to the art club" I said. "I'll see you at home"

"Will you be okay?" asked Kyo.
"Yeah, don't worry" I said. "I need to vent in my own way"


-Yuki POV-

I found Haru in his classroom.
"Haru?" I said. "What are you doing in here?"
"Just cleaning up" he said. "At least that's why I came, anyway. But someone beat me to it. It's a mystery. Fairies maybe? Who knows?"

"I think it was students from your class actually" I said. "Now will you talk to me? What's wrong?"
"You know" he said. "You should call her Mizuki too"

"Stop it" I said. "That's not the issue here. Forget about me, all right? My problems aren't what's important right now. Yours are. Haru, you always put other people first. What about you? You're kind. Not me, I only ever think about myself. I put all my energy in containing the emotions I'm too scared to feel. I'm a coward"

"So, you don't think about anyone but yourself?" said Haru. "I don't know. Someone like that probably wouldn't have come after me. Thanks for that. You're wrong about another thing. I can be pretty self-absorbed too. If I was thinking about other people, I wouldn't go dark and go ballistic in class"

He leaned against the wall and looked down.
"The thing is" he said. "I got dumped. By Rin"
"What?" I asked.

"When it first happened, I just felt numb" he said. "But the more time went by, the more pissed off I got. I was just thinking about it earlier and... well you saw. I snapped. Lost it"
"And does... Akito know?" I asked.

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