Chapter 42

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-Mizuki POV-

When Isuzu was out of the hospital, she came to live at Kasuma's house.
Her hair was shorter, but she looked okay...
Tohru was itching to hug her...

"Stop crying!" snapped Isuzu.
"Sorry!" said Tohru.
"Well you seem to be unusually energetic today, Isuzu" said Kasuma.

"Master" smiled Tohru.
"I suppose it must lift your spirits, friends visiting" he said.
"Did you say friends?" smiled Tohru and Isuzu grabbed our heads.

"They get along so well" said Kasuma.
"Minus the violence maybe!" said Yuki.


After Tohru came back from visiting Kyoko's grave, she was different...
"What's wrong?" I asked and she sat down on my bed. "What happened?"
"The curse" she said. "Shigure said it's breaking on it's own"

"It's... breaking?" I asked, part of me was happy.
"Eventually" she said, there it was... the catch... "But eventually isn't good enough. Kyo's..."
I hugged her, I knew she was in love with Kyo...

"I know" I whispered. "I know, we'll find a way, somehow"
"Mizu-chan" she cried and I hugged her tighter.


A few days later, I walked to Kazuma's house, to visit Isuzu.
"Tohru told me what happened" I said when I saw her. "Is it true what Shigure said. About the curse breaking on its own?"

"I'm not sure" she answered honestly. "Is it true that she loves Kyo?"
"Of course it is" I said. "I see how she looks at him. Maybe she's too scared to admit it yet, but she's in love with Kyo"

"Just like you're in love with Yuki?" she asked and I smiled.
"Yeah" I said and sat down.
"Will you tell him?" she asked and sat down next to me.

"When will you tell Haru?" I asked and she looked away.
I chuckled and she looked back at me.
"I don't know why I can't tell Yuki" I said. "I feel like there's... I feel like I'm not worthy of him yet"

"That's just ridiculous" she said bluntly.
"Maybe" I said. "But... I don't know. I've thought about it, but... I just can't tell him yet... I don't want to ruin what we have now, even if it is only friendship. I love him, so much... I don't want to lose him..."

"You want him to be free" she said and I nodded.
"I want him to be free to make his own decisions" I said. "I don't want him to be bound by anything. I just want him to be free..."
"I get it" she said. "That's all I want for Haru too. For him to be free"

"What about you?" I asked and she stared at me. "Don't you want to be free?"
"I..." she said.
"You never thought about it, did you?" I asked and she looked away. "I'm the same. I know I can be selfish. But, I want other people to be happy... I'm used to locking everything I feel away... so that other's won't have to bear it. But... I'm only locking myself away like that. I'm not free, I'm bound away by my own feelings, by my father..."

"How do you deal with it?" she asked and I looked up at the moon.
"I don't" I said. "Well, at least that's what I thought... but... when I got to know Yuki... he... he helped me deal with everything. He made me feel like it was okay to not to be okay... he makes me feel safe and protected... and I want to repay him for that. Because of him... I'm finally getting free. I'm finally able to breathe again... even if it's still hard to breathe... when I'm with him..."

"You can breathe" she finished and I nodded.
I held her hand and she was surprised.
"You deserve to be free too, Isuzu" I said.
"Thank you" she whispered and I dried a tear that rolled down her cheek.


When I came back home, I found Momiji, Tohru and Yuki cooking.
"But, are we sure the different shapes will grill okay?" I heard Yuki ask.
"Not to worry, you can leave it to Mizu-chan when she gets home" I heard Tohru say. "She's the grill master"

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