Chapter 26

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-Mizuki POV-

Tohru and I had been living with the Sohma's for a year now.
"Summer break approaches" said Shigure. "You children are so lucky. Adulthood offers no such reprieve. Better enjoy it while you can"

"You've got to be kidding" said Kyo. "What are you whining about? Your whole life is a freaking vacation"
"Alas, not true" said Shigure. "This poultry freedom we adults have can't compare to a society sanctioned summer break"

"Whatever" said Kyo.
"You'll understand all too well once you got a job on your own. Trust me" said Shigure.
"But, you know" said Tohru. "I'm sure we'll have lots of homework to do over the summer break. So, I'll have to try hard"

She was ironing Kyo's shirt.
'Don't burn yourself...'
"It breaks my heart to see you this worried Tohru" said Shigure. "So let me give you a piece of advice. Talk to our faultless Yuki, and ask very politely if you can copy his homework"

"We can't do that" I said.
"Right, because he's so perfect" said Kyo. "More like boring and robotic, the guy's just lame"
Yuki was standing behind him and he kicked Kyo over the table.

"Better than being stupid" said Yuki.
"Is he..." freaked Tohru.
"Never fear" said Shigure. "It'll take far more than that to kill Kyo"

"Unfortunately" said Yuki.
"Bastard!" shouted Kyo and he sat up again.
"There, you see" said Shigure. "He's still breathing"

"If you're gonna attack, do it head on! Dirty cheater!" shouted Kyo.
"You would've known I was there if you weren't so stupid" said Yuki.
"Stop calling me stupid!" said Kyo.

"Please, don't fight you guys!" said Tohru and held up the iron and her other hand in front of their faces. "I don't want you getting hurt"
"Then watch what you're doing" I chuckled.

"Heading out now, Yuki?" asked Shigure. "It's early"
"Yeah, I've got student council business" said Yuki and I stood up.
"I'll go with you" I said. "See you later, Tohru, Kyo"
"Have a good day" said Tohru.


"You didn't have to come with me, Miss Hirose" said Yuki.
"I know" I smiled. "But I wanted to. Besides, I had to be in school early today too"
"Really? Why is that?" he asked.

"The art club approached me" I said. "They wanted my opinion on their paintings, apparently, my mom was the leader of the art club back when she was in high school. So they asked me to watch their work"
"Really? That's nice, you are very talented" he said and I blushed. "Are you going to join the club?"

"Not sure" I said. "I don't really like people seeing my drawings"
"But I've seen them" he said and I chuckled.
"Well, you are an exception" I smiled.

He blushed and we walked into the school.
"Maybe I should join the club" I whispered and he looked at me. "Well, good luck with the school council! See you in class"
"Yes, see you later, Miss Hirose" he said and I walked to the art club.

I took a deep breath and suddenly the door flew wide open...
"Miss Mizuki Hirose!" said a guy. "It's an honour to finally meet the daughter of the prestigious Lady Ella Hirose"

He shook my hand and kept shaking it.
"It's... nice to meet you too?" I said. "You can let go now"
"Come in, please, come in!" he said and dragged me in the room.

There were 2 other people in the room who stared at me.
2 first years I think...
"Members, this is Mizuki Hirose, an art talent" introduced the guy.

"It's an honour to meet you, Hirose-senpai" said the girl. "I'm Haiko Nanase"
"My name is Luke Nanase" said the boy. "We're twins"
"I am Mikki Remko" said the guy who pushed me inside. "I'm the leader of the art club, I'm a second year, just like you, Miss Hirose"

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