Chapter 11

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-Mizuki POV-

We were walking home with Uotani and Hanajima.
It was freezing, my favourite kind of weather.
"Man, it's freezing" said Uotani.

"Yes, I am loving it" I smiled.
"I can't believe how much has changed this year" said Hanajima.
"I know what you mean" said Tohru.

"Tohru, Mizuki" said Uotani. "Hanging out at your grandpa's place for new year's? Or with your legal guardian?"
"Well, that's what I was planning to do" said Tohru. "But it turns out he and the family are going to Hawaii"

"Seriously?" asked Uotani.
"Apparently they had some remodelling money left over" said Tohru.
"Do they think they're too good to watch new year's specials like the rest of us?" said Uotani.

"What about you, Mizuki?" asked Hanajima.
"Mr Akashi is having new year's with the family of his wife. So since that part of the family doesn't really like me, I'm not going there this year" I said.

"Does that mean the two of you will be staying at Shigure's house instead then?" she asked.
"I'm still working up the courage to ask him" said Tohru.
"Hold up" said Uotani. "So you have no idea where you're gonna be during the holidays?"

"Nope" I said. "No clue"
"Then just come to my place" she said. "It's small, but we'll fit. I promise it won't be boring at least"
"You two are more than welcome to come at my home too of course" said Hanajima.

"Oh no. I wouldn't dream of imposing on the two of you for the entire winter break" said Tohru.
"If you're not down with staying at one of our places, we could always grab your tent and take a little new year's trip" said Uotani.

"Oh yes, starting a new year by camping out in nature does have a certain appeal to it" said Hanajima.
"We'll be fine" I said. "Spent some quality time with your family over the break"
"Well, it's getting late" said Tohru. "It's getting dark soon. We should hurry up and get home"
"Yes, the boy's must be starving" I said and followed her home.


"Why do we even have to bother replacing these stupid things?" asked Kyo, after he and Yuki fought, again... "Nobody is gonna care about a tiny hole or two"
"Shut up and work" said Yuki. "It's your fault they're beaten up in the first place"

"Why are we related?" said Kyo.
Tohru was humming while cleaning the porch, while I was making dinner.
"You really having that much fun cleaning the deck?" asked Kyo.

"Yep, I love tidying up the house for new year's with all of you. It's like a dream" said Tohru.
"My poor back" said Shigure when he came out of his office with his books. "Why do books have to be so heavy? Dinner smells delicious, Mizuki"

"Thanks" I said and I walked over to Tohru.
"Hey, Shigure?" asked Tohru carefully. "I know it's terrible for me to ask this, when you've done so much. The thing is, my grandfather contacted me and... it seems the family is going to Hawaii for the holiday"

"Mr Akashi and his family are going to the family of his wife, and they don't really like me... so... we were wondering if it would be okay if we stayed here in your house for new year's" I said, because I knew Tohru would be too scared to ask him.
"Of course" said Shigure. "But is that really what you want to do?"


"I'm staying here too" said both Kyo and Yuki at the same time during dinner.
"I haven't been back in four months, so why should I break the streak just because of new year's?" said Kyo.
"If I show up for the banquet now, what was the point of me leaving?" said Yuki.

"Yeah, at least make an appearance, or else you're going to upset..." began Shigure.
"No, I'm not going" said Yuki and Kyo in union.
"This is gonna be a pain" said Shigure.

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