Chapter 35

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-Mizuki POV-

I walked downstairs, when Yuki didn't come to get me.
I heard Yuki yell, he was fighting with Kakeru...
But Yuki calmed down and when they were talking calmy, I walked closer.

"Is everything okay?" I asked.
"Yeah, Yun-yun just dropped the flowerpots" said Kakeru.
"Oh, I'll help you clean it up" I said and helped them.
"Thank you, Mizuki" said Yuki and I smiled.

"Yun-yun's different around you" said Kakeru when Yuki was putting the flowerpots away.
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"His face" he said. "He's softer, you're special to him, I think"

"Heh?" I blushed. "I don't know what you mean"
"Sure you do" he laughed.
"Well, are you ready, Mizuki?" asked Yuki when he came back.
"Yeah, bye Kakeru" I said and left with Yuki.


"Grandpa collapsed?" I heard Tohru say at the phone. "That's terrible! What happened? Is he going to be okay?"
When she came back, she told us that her grandpa wouldn't be able to come to the parent-teacher conference.

"Oh, crap" I said. "I need to call Mr. Akashi, I totally forgot about that"
I ran upstairs and dialled his number.
"Mizuki, what a pleasure to hear from you" he said.

"It's nice to hear you too" I said. "I have a favour to ask... parent-teacher conference is coming up. I was wondering if you could come?"
"Of course, I heard about that" he said. "Your teacher called about it, I'll be there don't worry"

"Thank you, Mr. Akashi" I said and smiled. "It really means a lot"
"And maybe, I could finally meet the people you're living with now" he said. "Do you think that would be a problem?"
"I'll have to ask Shigure" I said. "But I don't think he'll mind..."


"Oh no" said Momiji when Tohru told him what had happened. "Your opa injured his back? I'm so sorry to hear that"
"A man's back is everything to him" said Haru.
"Is that true?" asked Tohru.

"Just ignore him" said Yuki. "Half of what comes out of Haru's mouth is complete nonsense"
"Hey, Honda. Where's Kyo?" asked Haru.
"I don't know" said Tohru. "Up on the roof would be my guess. He seemed pretty down lately. And that's where he goes to escape"

"Kyo's down, but that doesn't mean you have to be sad too" said Momiji. "Right? So come on, let's get a drink"
"Okay" smiled Tohru.
"You come too" said Momiji to Yuki.
Momiji pulled me with him too.


I saw Yuki talk with Miss Shiraki.
"Hey, Yuki" I said when the teacher left. "Is something wrong?"
"My mother just decided to reschedule the parent-teacher conference at the last minute" he said. "Honestly... still, I guess it's a miracle that she's coming at all, so there's that"

I remembered the words Akito told me and Tohru.
"Stop thinking you're special. The Zodiac members will come back to me in the end, every last one, as it should be, forever unchanging"

"Mizuki?" Yuki had noticed that I had spaced out.
"Sorry" I said. "The conference isn't about her. It's about you, what you want for your future"
"Mind your own business"

He touched my head and I looked up.
"Sorry" I whispered.
"Your guardian will come today, right?" he asked and I nodded.

"He should be here any minute, I think" I said.
"Mizuki!" I heard a familiar voice.
"Hello, Mr. Akashi" I said and smiled. "Thank you so much for coming today"

"Of course I did" he said. "I promised your mom I'd look out for you"
"Oh, this is Yuki Sohma" I said.
"Oh, right, one of the boys you're living with, right?" he said and I nodded.

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