Chapter 18

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-Mizuki POV-

"Shigure" said Tohru. "Is there anything you need us to do around here on May 1st?"
"We'd like to go out for a few hours in the afternoon" I said.
"Oh, take all the time you want" said Shigure. "I'll be out most of the day for an errand myself. What's the story? Hanging out with friends?"

"Yes, it's been a year since my mom passed" said Tohru. "We're visiting her grave"
"Good girl, the first anniversary heh?" said Shigure.
"That's right, but we're not doing anything too special for it" said Tohru.

"I'm sorry, I can't go" said Shigure.
"No, please don't worry" said Tohru.
"Would it be okay if I joined you?" asked Yuki.

"You want to?" I asked.
"I'd like to pay my respects" said Yuki. "If you don't mind the company"
"Thank you very much" said Tohru. "Mom will be so happy"
"And Kyo?" asked Shigure. "Surely you've got nothing better to do? You should tag along with them"


"Say what?" said Uotani. "The Prince is coming with us? What about Kyon?"
"Well, I don't really know" said Tohru. "He didn't give much of an answer"
"Oh, man. Just think. Kyoko would've had so much fun with that punk" said Uotani. "I'm talking some hardcore tormenting"

"Then right when it seems like he can't take any more torture" said Hanajima. "She'd pull him into a bear hug strong enough to pop his back"
'Well, that wouldn't end well...'

"Oh, I forgot" I said. "I won't be joining you guys in the beginning. I was going to visit my mom's grave, Mr. Akashi and his son were going too"
"Oh, that's okay" said Tohru. "We could go a bit earlier, to visit your mom's grave as well"
"That's sweet of you, Tohru" I smiled. "But I would like to visit her grave alone for a bit"


Soon it was May 1st...
I put on a black dress and stockings, and left the house early.
I soon saw Mr. Akashi and his son Genji.

"Hey! Mizuki!" said Genji and waved at me.
"Hello, Genji" I smiled. "It's been a while"
"Way too long" he laughed.

"Mizuki" said Mr. Akashi and I bowed a bit to him. "It's nice to see you smiling"
"I've had a lot of help lately" I smiled. "But I'm getting better"
"That's nice to hear, Mizu" said Genji. He held out his arm and I linked mine in his and we walked to my mother's grave.


-Yuki POV-

"Okay, let's go" said Miss Honda.
"Wait" I said. "Shouldn't we wait for Miss Hirose?"
"Oh, Mizu-chan is there already" she said. "She wanted to visit her mom's grave first. Also some family friends were visiting the grave too"
"Oh, I see" I said.

"Fortunately the weather cleared up" I said when we arrived at the cemetery. "It's been so grey lately, but this is nice"
"I think it's maybe because mom's happy today" said Miss Honda. "After all, she's got a few new people coming to say hi to her"

"Tohru" it was Uotani.
'What is she wearing?'
"There you are" said Miss Honda. "Thanks for coming"

"Yeah, of course. Perfect weather to visit a grave heh?" said Uotani.
"It is" said Miss Honda.
"Why the heck are you two dressed like that?" shouted Kyo.

"You got a problem with it?" asked Uotani.
"Yes, my dress is too plain, isn't it?" said Hanajima.
"Are you crazy?" shouted Kyo.

"Ehm... excuse me... but... that's the kind of coat biker-gangs wear, right?" I asked.
"Heh, you know your stuff" said Uotani. "Yup, this belonged to Tohru's mom before she passed it on to me. It's the esteemed coat of the Crimson Butterfly"

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