Chapter 3

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-Mizuki POV-

"They're all animals!" shouted Tohru, she held the Dog and the Cat.
The bell rang and she ran down with the animals, while I ran behind her with the rat in my hands.

She opened the door and it was the postman.
"They're... they're all animals!" she shouted.
"Yeah, those are some cute pets you got there. Now, if you can please sign here" said the man.

She dropped the dog and the cat. "No, you don't understand!" she said, but she got interrupted by the dog signing the paper with a stamp.
"Aren't you a smart little poochie" said the postman and left.
"Miss Hirose?" it was the voice from Yuki coming from the rat.

"Oh, of course. You can talk... this is completely normal I assume..." I said.
"Can you put me on the ground, please?" he asked and I put him down gently.
"We could have covered if you jerks hadn't transformed too!" shouted the cat, with the voice of the orange haired boy, Kyo...

"You're the one who screwed up first, stupid cat" said Yuki.
"Oh yeah?" shouted Kyo.

The dog barked... "We can either tell them the truth or make up a story they won't believe anyway" said the dog with the voice of Shigure... "As you can see, I'm the Dog, Yuki's the Rat and Kyo Sohma over here is the Cat. We're all possessed by animal spirits. Ten others in the Sohma family are similarly possessed by the different Zodiac animals. It's been this way for generations. Unfortunately it doesn't give us any especially cool powers to speak of. Pretty much all we can do is communicate with our respective animals and we transform when our bodies are weakened or when hugged by someone of the opposite sex. We automatically turn human again after a while" the three of them became human again, but naked... so I covered my eyes immeadiatly. "Completely naked I'm afraid"

"Miss Hirose, you can look again" said Yuki and I slowly lowered my hands. The three of them stood in front of us, and we went back inside.
"Sorry about that" said Shigure. "I know it must've come as quite a shock to you two. Now then, are you feeling a bit calmer?"

"I think so. But it's kind of a lot to take in" said Tohru.
"Mizuki?" asked Shigure.
"I'm just trying to wrap my head around it..." I said.

'This must be the reason why Sohma sent that girl flying when she tried to hug him'
"I have to say, that was a pretty pathetic showing, Kyo. I mean, you are a trained martial artist, shouldn't it be a little harder for a girl to sneak up on you?" Shigure was toying with Kyo... "You really only have eyes for no one but Yuki, don't you?"

"Don't make it sound like that! It's not my fault! You're the ones who let two girls into this house!" shouted Kyo and pointed at us. "Why are they even here?!"
"Calm yourself" said Yuki. "You have absolutely no say in who we allow to come in the house. You're an outsider"

"Shut up!" shouted Kyo and broke the table in two, hitting Tohru in the process. "Oh crap..."
I looked at Tohru, she was bleeding...
"Tohru, you're bleeding" I said. "Do you have a bandage around here?"
Suddenly, I heard a slap. Yuki had hit Kyo...

"I knew you were a moron, but I didn't think you were this stupid" said Yuki and unbuttoned his shirt, it was kind of hot... "Out of respect for sheer the dept of your idiocy, I'll do you a favour and fight you for real. So, please, try not to bore me"

"Give it all you got, you little girly boy!" shouted Kyo and they began to fight.
Shigrue was treating Tohru's wound while Kyo and Yuki kept fighting...
"Are they..." began Tohru.

"Oh, this is normal. Get them in a room together and they're bound to go off. You know, like fire and gasoline" said Shigure.
"That's not healthy" I said and kept watching the fight. "Shouldn't we at least try to stop them?"
"Let them spar, I assure you they'll be done soon. Yuki will win, like he always does" he said and at that moment, Yuki kicked Kyo outside breaking the door, he literally sent Kyo flying...

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