Chapter 28

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-Mizuki POV-

"Please, let go of me now" I said and Mine listened.
"Sorry" she said. "Now the boys can have some quality time now that we're out of the way"
"Heh?" I asked.

"A little scheme I cooked up" she said. "But you'll go along with it, won't you?"
"I don't really have a choice, do I?" I said and she shook her head. "Fine... but I don't know how long those two can talk without fighting, though"

"That's fine. Fighting is a good thing" she said. "At least it means that they acknowledge each other's presence. For the boss, indifference would be worse than anger. Yes, much worse. Although I would prefer if they not get into a fight. Don't want blood stained merchandise now do we?"

I laughed nervously.
'Fight because they acknowledge each other's presence? Sounds like Yuki and Kyo'
"Okay, while the brothers are having their bonding time" said Mine. "We can get to work on you"

"You mean, I'm really gonna try something on?" I asked in fear.
"You most certainly are" she said and moved creepy with her hands.

"Please, don't look while I get dressed" I said and she frowned. "I have a lot of scars, I don't want people to see"
"Oh" she said and she understood. "Now I see why the boss chose this dress"

She showed me the dress, it was beautiful.
"I thought it was too much to cover" she said. "But now I understand"
I put the dress on, it was the dress of a princess... and everywhere I had scars, it was covered...

"You look beautiful, Mizuki-chan" said Mine and she clapped happily. "Can I do your hair?"
"Sure" I said and sat down.
She undid my braid and did my hair.

"Did you and Ayame make all of these?" I asked.
"Yes" she said proudly.
"They are amazing" I said. "He must love making clothing to have opened a shop like this"

"He claims that he could've easily ended up as a chef or a gardener. But, the dress making happened to suit him best" said Mine. "What mattered, was proving to himself that he had the ability to create. Regardless of what it was he made. That's all he wanted"


"Coming in boss!" said Mine when she opened the door. "We're not interrupting, are we?"
"Oh, good!" I head Ayame say. "Is she ready for he debut? Come in my dear, no need to be shy"
"You heard the man, Mizuki-chan!" said Mine and grabbed my hands. "Let's not keep our audience waiting"

I walked out and I didn't dare to look at Yuki.
"Is it okay?" I asked.
"Très Bien!" said Ayame. "So very Mizuki! All that's missing is a cute little dog"

"I can see her sipping tea in an elegant drawing room while drawing the sunset" said Mine.
"Well, Yuki. Aren't you going to tell Mizuki how lovely she looks?" asked Ayame, but Yuki didn't say anything. "Nothing? How rude! She got dressed up just for you and yet you spinelessly refuse to compliment her? Then I suppose it's up to me!"

Ayame came close to my face and touched my chin.
"But I won't use words" he said.
"Back off!" said Yuki and he hit Ayame in the head.

I sat down in the couch and I heard Ayame laugh.
"He struck his own brother" laughed Ayame.
"Honestly, I'm surprised he didn't hit you harder" said Mine.

"I should" said Yuki and sat down next to me.
"Nevertheless, I should applaud your efforts, Mine" said Ayame. "I think you captured Mizuki's essence perfectly"

"Thank you! You honour me with your praise" said Mine. "So, boss. Were you and your brother able to have a good conversation while we were gone?"
"After today" said Yuki. "I think I understand a little more about my brother. He's a character person. Everything he says and does is overly dramatic. But, I'm starting to realise I just need to accept that. There's no other way to deal with him. If I get sucked into his headspace I'll end up exhausted. It's kind of depressing now that I say it out loud"

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