Chapter 30

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-Mizuki POV-

Momiji took us to a mall.
"Wait until you see it!" he said. "I found the perfect way to celebrate our first day of the break! It's up here!"
"I'm a little confused" said Tohru. "How are we gonna celebrate in a department store?"

"Not telling until we get there" said Momiji. "Hurry! It's gonna be wunderbar!"
"Why don't we just go home instead?" said Kyo.
"Come on, where's your youthful zeal?" said Haru.

"I don't want to hear about zeal from you" said Kyo.
"Almost there, I'm so excited" said Momiji. "It sounds fun! And a little different too. A special kind of place for a special kind of day"
"I like the idea of going somewhere special" said Tohru. "I can't wait"

But the fun soon stopped when we saw where Momiji had taken us.
'A Haunted House? Really?'
"Well! Here it is!" shouted Momiji. "What do you think? Pretty amazing, heh? See! It's perfect!"

"Hold on a second, brat" said Kyo and held Momiji back.
"Before we go in, maybe we should see how everybody feels about haunted houses" said Yuki. "What do you think, Miss Honda? Miss Hirose?"

Tohru was trembling and looking pale.
"I think that's a no" said Haru.
"You heard him, we're leaving" said Kyo.

"Tohru? You're scared? You can't go in?" asked Momiji.
'Don't fall for it...'
"No! I mean, yes! I'm scared, because haunted houses are scary, so of course I'm scared" said Tohru. "But they say if you clear your mind even fire will feel cold. So I should just stop thinking and run into the fire"

'She fell for it...'
"No, you really don't. At all" said Kyo.
"Tohru, you don't have to do this" I sighed.
"I'll prove that I can and I will!" she said and went to the lady of the tickets. "Please allow me to enter the haunted house"
"Well, great" I sighed.


We walked inside and Tohru was scared, even when nothing was happening.
When the scary stuff began, she didn't stop screaming.
"There she goes" I said.

"Come on, this stuff is so fake, I'm surprised she's even scared" said Kyo. "What are you so afraid of?"
"I really don't know" she said.
"What's worse?" said Yuki. "Screaming or laughing all the time like some kind of lunatic"

He looked at Haru and Momiji, who was laughing at everything.
"But you know, laughing might be a good way to get through this" said Tohru.
"Oh no" I sighed.

"That's it! I'll use laughter to fight the fear" said Tohru.
"Why are you trying so hard?" asked Yuki.
"Just give up and let's go home already" said Kyo.

Now she was screaming and laughing at the same time.
"It's so horrible" said Tohru.
"Not as horrible as all your screaming" said Kyo.

"Fine, I have no choice" said Tohru. "I'll walk with my eyes shut!"
"Hey! Be careful" said Yuki, but she walked into a wall.
"Tohru!" said Kyo.

"Miss Honda, I think you should keep your eyes open" said Yuki.
"It's working though" said Tohru. "I don't feel scared now that I can't see anything, really"
But something jumped at her and she still screamed and bumped into everything.

"Are you okay, Miss Hirose?" asked Yuki.
"Well, with her screaming, I know what's coming" I said. "So it's not scary anymore"
"Obviously the sounds are scaring you enough on their own!" shouted Kyo.

"I'm fine!" she said and tripped over a piece of wood, falling on her face.
"Not again" said Kyo.
"Are you okay?" I asked.

"I'm good, but which way do I go now?" said Tohru and I chuckled.
"You can hold my hand if you want" said Momiji. "Come on"
"You holding up okay?" asked Haru.

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