Chapter 10

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-Mizuki POV-

"Mizuki!" it was Miss Mika and a few children from the orphanage.
"Hey guys!" I smiled, even Amelia came.
"Mizuki!" they all said. "This is so cool!"

"Calm down, guys" I chuckled. "I'm glad you could make it"
"Of course we came" said Miss Mika.
"Hello, Mizuki" said Amelia and I smiled.

"Hello, Amelia. How are you?" I asked.
"Better now" she answered.
"I'm glad to hear that" I said.

"Mizuki!" it was Mike. "Are you still coming, tomorrow?"
"Of course I am" I said. "I wouldn't want to miss your birthday, now do I?"
He smiled brightly and went to the food stall.

"There's a couple who wants to adopt him" said Miss Mika.
"Really? That's great" I said. "Are they nice people?"
"Yes, they are. Mike likes them very much, he invited them to his birthday party" she said.
"I'll be looking forward to meeting them" I said.


That evening, Uotani and Hanajima came by...
"Yo, yo" said Uotani.
"Evening" said Hanajima.

"Hello! So glad you're here" said Shigure.
"Sorry about this" said Tohru. "I know we didn't give you much warning that they were coming"
"Never you mind" said Shigure.

"Shigure" said Kyo. "Are you sure about this? Word around school is you shouldn't underestimate wave girl"
"This will work out fine, don't be so nervous" said Shigure.
"A dog" said Hanajima and they all freaked out, until they saw the dog.
"Now, that's unexpected! Bad boy, you go back outside" said Shigure.


"Here you go" said Tohru when she gave everyone tea.
"Great, thank you" said Uotani. "So, old man. I mean, Shigure. What do you do for a living?"
"Oh, me? Well, I'm a writer" said Shigure. "A novelist in fact"

"Wait!" said Tohru and she stood up. "You write books?"
"Why are you surprised by this?" asked Uotani.
"You live here and didn't know?" asked Hanajima.

"What do you call it?" asked Yuki. "High literature?"
"Yep, that's right" said Shigure and took out a book. But it was not the book I was expecting... "Whoops! Sorry, grabbed the wrong book. This here is what I'm more interested in. This is just a silly one I wrote for fun"

He took out the other book, that was high literature.
"Yeah! But that doesn't change the fact that you did write it!" shouted Uotani.
"That is so impressive! I can't believe I didn't know" said Tohru, she was quite impressed. "I never dreamed I might personally meet an author in real life!"

"Oh, stop" said Shigure.
"Careful" said Yuki. "Praising him will just inflate his ego"
I smiled and I noticed Uotani looking at me.

"Oh hey! I just thought of something that might be fun!" said Tohru. "Wait here, I'll be right back"
"I'm going to get my sketchbook" I said and followed Tohru.

-Uotani POV-

After the old man left, I looked down at my cup of tea.
"So they're fine" I said. "In fact, it seems like they're fitting in well here. I'm happy about that. I know they only kept it from us so we wouldn't worry. Still... we swore we'd be there if they ever needed help. Anything... maybe that sounds dramatic to you. But Tohru and Mizuki were the first friends we ever had. And in a lot of ways, they saved us. I don't expect either of you to understand that. I just hate this... the fact that we didn't know to support them when they needed us. It's like Tohru and Mizuki do all the work in our friendship but can't count on us for putting in the same energy. Is it even worth being friends with us?"

"Look, you're good" said Kyo. "Tohru is not the kind of girl who sweats stuff like that"
"Miss Hirose..." said Yuki. "She deserves the moon but would never ask you for it"
'Did she tell him?' I wondered.

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