Chapter 31

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-Mizuki POV-

"Bye, bye storm!" said Momiji the next morning.
I looked at my legs, I wore a short for the first time in a while. The scars on my legs aren't so bad, and this way, I can at least go into the water...

"So, you're not coming?" asked Tohru to Shigure. "You seemed pretty excited about it yesterday"
"Well, I have some work to do after all" said Shigure. "But, I'll be along once it's done. Now, Yuki, Kyo, listen here"

"What is it?" asked Kyo.
"I won't be there to supervise, so you two have to protect our sweet Tohru and sweet Mizuki" said Shigure.
"That'll be a lot easier without you around" said Kyo.

"Yeah, it will" said Yuki.
"See you later!" I said to Shigure and I followed the others.


"Summer! The sky! The ocean!" said Tohru when we were at the beach. "Everything is so blue!"
"Tohru!" shouted Momiji. "The water is calling your name!"
Momiji, Tohru and Kisa ran to the water.

I sat with the boys on the blanket and was drawing the ocean.
"They're excited" said Yuki.
"You're not gonna get in Kyo?" asked Haru.

"What's it look like?" said Kyo.
"Strange, I was so sure sensei would come" said Haru.
"What made you so sure?" asked Yuki.

"Honda, she's out here in a tight swimsuit. Even Hirose is wearing shorts. That's basically like catnip to him" said Haru.
"Don't talk about them like that!" said Kyo and Yuki at the same time.
"I'm just talking like a normal teenager" said Haru.

"What do you know about being a normal teenager you freak" said Kyo.
"Hiro!" shouted Momiji and he ran to Hiro. "Don't you want to come swim too?"
"Unlike some other people, I have self-control, silly child" said Hiro.

"Grouchy" said Haru.
"Grouchy, grouch, grouchy, grouch" teased Momiji.
"Shut up! It was a long trip here and I'm feeling fatigued!" shouted Hiro.

I saw Tohru swim... well... if you could call it swimming...
"Oh wow! Look! Tohru's amazing!" said Momiji. "She's such a good swimmer"
"No she's not" I sighed. "Look"

She arrived at the rock and gasped for air.
"She didn't breathe that whole time?" said Haru.
I saw that Kyo had go to Tohru.

"Oh hey, when did Kyo get over there?" said Haru.
Kyo jumped into the water. "Hey Momiji! Teach her how to breathe while she's swimming!"
Tohru was laughing and I smiled.

"Look at Kyo, he went into the water after all" said Haru.
I continued my drawing and I felt Hiro looking over my shoulder.
"Not bad" he said.

"Thank you" I said and smiled.
"It looks like something's got your head spinning" said Haru to Yuki, which made me look up from my drawing. "Is it the heat or your own emotions?"

"Yuki! Mizu-chan!" shouted Tohru.
"Don't you guys want to come join us?" shouted Momiji.
"Sure" said Yuki.

"Bring Hiro too!" shouted Momiji.
"Shut up, you puny rabbit!" shouted Hiro.
"I'm fine" said Yuki. "Lost in thought I guess. It's a bad habit. I have to snap out of it though, otherwise Miss Hirose will start to worry about me"

He looked at me and held out his hand.
"You want to come?" he asked. "We can just put our feet in the water"
I laid my hand in his and smiled. "Sure"

-Yuki POV-

Miss Hirose held my hand and we walked to the water.
"You know, you don't have to hide them here" I said and she stopped walking before the water.
"I do" she said. "Hiro and Kisa have gone through enough already. They don't need to worry about me too. They deserve a break from bad memories"

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