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-Yuki POV-

"I... I love you" she said and my heart began to race. "I love you, Yuki"
"There's somebody waiting out there, who will see this side of you and know how special it is" I remembered the words Haru told me that day...

I touched her cheek, she was crying.
"There you are, finally" I said and she smiled. "Thank you, for finding me"
She touched my hand and leaned into it.

I gasped when I felt something strange...
'Hold on... What is this? Such a strange feeling...'
"Yuki?" asked Mizuki, snapping me out of my thoughts. "Is there something on your mind?"

"Yeah" I said. "Mizuki... I couldn't find the right time but... I've been wanting to tell you..."
"You're the last one" said a familiar voice, but it wasn't familiar to me... "Just you now"
"Are you okay?" asked Mizuki.

"You kept the promise, for so long" said the voice. "It's time to go now, but thank you. Thank you... the original memory, forgotten by everyone. The original promise... goodbye"
I felt my curse break and I cried...

"Yuki? Please, tell me what's wrong" said Mizuki.
"I'm sorry for crying like this" I said. "It's just... I said goodbye to someone I've been with my whole life. We were always together, a constant presence that caused so much pain... and heartache, but parting hurts too. It's selfish, isn't it? To cry now"

"You mean..." she whispered.
I turned to face her and hugged her tightly.
She hugged me back and began to cry again.

"I'm free now" I whispered and she grabbed the back of my shirt tightly.
"I'm so glad" she whispered and hid her face in my chest.
"Mizuki" I said and touched her cheek. "I love you"

She was surprised and I kissed her.
"I'm not dreaming, am I?" she asked and I chuckled.
"No, I love you" I said again and she hugged me.

My heart skipped a jump when she hugged me. It was the first time she had hugged me, not me hugging her...
I wrapped my arms around her and held her, like I always wanted to...


-Mizuki POV-

That night I slept next to Yuki, his arms wrapped around me.
I felt at peace, I felt at home...
'He loves me back...'

It still felt like a dream, I looked at him while he slept.
I softly touched his face, he looked peaceful.
He wrapped his arms around me tighter.

"Mizuki" he whispered and I smiled.
I laid my head on his chest and fell asleep with the sound of his heartbeat...


Tohru told me about Kyo and her. They were finally an item...
She told me she was going with him after graduation.
Which made me think about my own future...

"So, have you figured out where you want to go to college?" asked Yuki and I looked at him.
"I was thinking about going to Tokyo, to the art college" I whispered.
"That's great" he said and sat down next to me. "I was going to go to a college in Tokyo too"

I was surprised and stared at him.
"You mean..." I whispered.
"I finally found you" he whispered and touched my cheek.


And after graduation, we went to a park.
"I have something for you" said Yuki.
He gave me a key and I accepted it.

"It's a key to my apartment in Tokyo" he said. "I know you're going to live with Genji, but... I wanted you to have this. So you can come and visit any time. I wouldn't want you to think I'm cheating on you just because I have my own place"

"I wouldn't think that" I said. "Honestly, don't be ridiculous"
"Okay, so I can throw this away then" he said and I pulled the key closer to me.
"You're the worst" I said and he laughed. "Tohru and Kyo are leaving tomorrow, aren't they?"

"Yeah" he said.
"It kind of makes me sad" I admitted. "Not seeing Tohru as much... hell, I'll even miss Kyo. But... I'm glad... you'll be close"
"Me too" he whispered and softly kissed my lips.
I smiled and leaned into his kiss.


After sending Kyo and Tohru off, it was time for me to pack everything...
I looked at the drawing of my imaginary friend and smiled. I put it away in my sketchbook and put everything away.

Genji was picking us up in his car soon.
"Are you ready?" asked Yuki and he wrapped his arms around me.
"Yeah" I whispered. "I'm ready"

"All right, lover boy" said Genji and I hit him in the face.
"Don't be a protective brother now, idiot" I said.
"That hurt, Mizuki!" he cried and I sighed. "I had a whole speech prepared and everything!"

"You can't be serious!" I said.
"Let's make some rules" he said. "I see you gave Mizuki a key to your place. If she stays the night, I'd like to know. No sneaking around! And if you dare hurt her..."
I slapped my hand in front of his face.

"Okay, that's enough, Genji" I said. "Shut up before you actually scare him"
"That's the whole point of the speech" said Genji.
"Geez, you really are the worst" I sighed and got my stuff into the car.

Genji got in the car and I looked at Yuki.
"Are you ready to go?" I asked and he smiled.
"Yeah, I'm ready to go" he said.

We got into the car, he held my hand while Genji drove us to Tokyo.
To a new place, where we'll make new memories...

-End of Broken Moonlight

Author Note:

Thank you all so much for reading the story of Broken Moonlight!
I hope you guys enjoyed it as much as I loved writing it!
Thank you so much for reading, voting and commenting!


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