Chapter 16

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-Mizuki POV-

Akito walked closer to us, and suddenly I got really scared again.
This man... he reminded me of... my father...
"Akito... it's you" said Tohru.

"That's correct" he said. "Tohru Honda and Mizuki Hirose"
Tohru suddenly bowed and I bowed slightly.
"I'm very pleased to meet you!" said Tohru.

"You two strike me as quite feminine" he said and smiled. "Gentle too. I'm glad you two seem like such good girls. And most importantly, you two are also very cute"
"What? We're just normal girls" said Tohru.

"Don't get flustered, I'm just stating the obvious" said Akito. "Sorry it took so long to introduce myself. I'm rather shy when it comes to strangers. I hope you don't mind"
"No, of course not" I said.

"That's a relief" he said. "So, how about a formal introduction? Nice to meet you, I'm Akito. Head of the family"
"Yes, right! But please, the pleasure is all ours" said Tohru.
"Now that we've met" he said. "I'm hoping we'll be able to get along well"

He looked me straight in the eyes and it made me want to run away...
"Please take care of Yuki, and the others" he said.
"Akito" it was the voice of Yuki...
He looked frightened...

"Aah, Yuki" said Akito. "I was hoping I'd run into you. My boy... feels like a lifetime has gone by since the last time I saw you. Can't believe how grown up you look. You're taller, right?"
"What did you do?" asked Yuki. "What did you say to Miss Hirose and Miss Honda?"
"Nothing" said Akito. "I was simply paying my respects. Isn't that right... Mizuki?"

Yuki looked me in the eyes and he noticed that I was scared as well.
"Wasn't I just paying my respects?" asked Akito again.
"Yes, that's right" I said softly.

"But, Yuki. Now that you're here" said Akito and he walked closer to Yuki. "There is a question that's been weighing on my mind"
Akito touched Yuki's face and Yuki looked so scared... his hands were fists and he was trembling...

"What would possibly skip New Year's with me? Don't you know how that makes me feel?" asked Akito. "Especially after I've been so generous to you lately. When you do foolish things like that, it really hurts my feelings. I wonder if this means you need a little re-educating... perhaps some time in your special room is in order... you recall those days... would you like to repeat them? Or do you remember how to be a good boy?"

I didn't know what came over me. I grabbed Yuki's hand tightly and dragged him away from Akito's touch.
And I saw that Tohru had pushed Akito away at the same time.

"Ehm... I'm sorry" said Tohru. "But we have to get back to class now... you know... or else we'll be in trouble..."
"Of course... forgive me" said Akito.
I kept holding Yuki's hand, who was still trembling.

"I suppose I should get back to Shigure and company anyway" said Akito. "They're probably worried. Yuki, I hope you're enjoying your time at this school. And remember, it would make me happy if you visited"
Yuki's grip on my hand tightened...

Akito walked away and I looked up at Yuki.
'He looked so scared... frightened... what did Akito do to Yuki?'
"Miss Hirose?" he said.

"Yes?" I asked.
"Did Akito really not say anything strange to you before I got here?" he asked.
"No, nothing" I said honestly. "I promise, we really were just saying hello"

"Okay" he said and looked down.
"Yuki?" I asked and touched his face with my free hand.
He looked me straight into the eyes.

'This isn't the time for me to be scared... right now, Yuki needs someone to be there for him'
"Let's have some fun" I smiled honestly.
"Mizu-chan is right!" said Tohru. "School is out early today, so we've got some free time. We were talking to Uo-chan and some of the others about hanging out after class. Let's seize the moment and do something exciting together!"

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