Chapter 37

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-Mizuki POV-

"Oh, I've been meaning to ask" said Tohru during dinner. "There's a rumour going around about this year's culture festival. Is it true that we'll have a bonfire and maybe even some fireworks too?"
"No, that really is just a rumour" said Yuki.

"Right, of course" said Tohru.
"I mean, those were a couple of suggestions that people made, but they're not feasible, sorry" he said.
"Oh, no, it's okay" said Tohru.

"Would it really be so hard? In his day, Aya light up the entire school" said Shigure.
"You know that's just another reason not to do it, right?" said Yuki.
"So the culture festival is coming up soon, is it?" asked Shigure.

"Oh, no, it won't be for a little while yet" said Yuki. "We've got time, I'm just planning ahead because of exams"
"You can do it, Mister President" said Shigure.

"Oh, that reminds me" I said. "Apparently, someone told the students that the art club has 4 members now. And people are coming in every day, asking for our help. Mikki is losing it, so it's possible he'll swing by at the student council to complain"

"Really?" asked Yuki.
"Your vice-president is the culprit" I said. "Almost every class has come in to ask for our help in decorations and art"

"So, anyone want desert?" asked Tohru. "I've got some jelly if you still have room"
"Oh, I do. Thank you" said Shigure.
"You made it?" asked Yuki.

"Mizu-chan helped, her mom's jelly was the best" smiled Tohru. "I've got orange, apple and grapefruit flavour. So pick your favourite"
"That's a lot, what's the occasion?" asked Yuki.

"Hey, you went to see Rin at the hospital" said Kyo. "I'm right, aren't I?"
"Yes, I did" said Tohru. "I'm impressed you were able to figure that out"
"Lucky guess" said Kyo.

"That's been happening a lot lately" smiled Tohru.
"Miss Honda" said Yuki. "When you went to visit Rin, how did she seem? She didn't, throw an IV-stand at you for example?"

"No, she didn't throw anything at me" said Tohru.
"Why are you even asking such a dumb question?" asked Kyo. "No one would even do that"
"I did" I said and they all stared at me. "What? I just woke up from a week coma. Anyone would throw that thing at the man who tried to kill you"

"She seemed well" said Tohru to change the subject. "She seemed to get a bit of her energy back"
"Oh, by the way, Tohru" said Shigure. "I've been meaning to apologise for the whole Rin situation. We shouldn't have dragged you into our little drama. I'm so sorry you had to get involved"
I looked at the jelly, it looked a lot like the ones my mom used to make.


"Hey, Tohru" I said. "You're visiting Isuzu?"
"Yes" she smiled. "Do you want to come with me?"
"Yes, if you don't mind" I said and we walked to the hospital.

I hated them... they made me feel uneasy...
"Can we come in?" asked Tohru when she slowly opened the door.
"Oh, you're here again" said Isuzu. "You brought your sister"

"We haven't really been introduced, haven't we?" I said. "My name is Mizuki Hirose"
"You look so cute!" said Tohru, Isuzu's hair was in 2 ponytails. "I've never seen you with your hair tied back before! I love it"

Isuzu wanted to take the hair ties out.
"But it's so pretty!" said Tohru.
"Calm down, I had a check-up. That's the only reason I did it" said Isuzu.

"Yeah, I remember that" I said and she looked at me. "When I was in the hospital a few years ago, they checked my wounds and scars 3 times a day. Tohru, why don't you give her what you made yesterday?"

"We made some jelly you might like" smiled Tohru.
"Just because I said I didn't hate it?" asked Isuzu. "That was dumb"
"I know you didn't ask me to, but I figured: what could it hurt?" said Tohru.

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