Chapter 15

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-Mizuki POV-

Holding Yuki's hand was nice, it made me feel warm...
"Mizuki!" shouted Momiji. "Where have you been?"
"Sorry, Momiji, I was out drawing and I forgot about the time" I smiled.
Watching Tohru play ping pong was hilarious.
And playing against Yuki was fun, but I think he let me win on purpose.


"I must apologize for not being a better host" said the lady of the inn. "Please come again"
"Please take good care of yourself" said Tohru.
"And Mizuki, thank you for the drawing" said the lady. "You are very talented"

"No problem" I said.
"I don't see the bus anywhere" said Momiji. "It sure is late picking us up"
"I'm sad Momiji. I'm not going to see you as much since we won't be working together after the break" said Tohru. "Oh, yeah. What grade will you be going in to once we get back? Are you starting middle school yet?"

"Nein! I'll be starting high school!" said Momiji. "Surprise! I got special permission, so I'll be going to your school from now on! Haru's coming too"
"Heh?" said Tohru shocked.

"Wait, you're what?" said Kyo. "Why would you and Haru secretly apply to go to our school together?"
"To see the shocked look on your face of course" said Momiji.

"Miss Honda" said Yuki. "It seems you didn't realise, but Momiji is just a year younger than all of us. The same as Haru"
"Heh?! I could've sworn he was in elementary school! But it turns out he's coming to our school in April! With Hatsuharu? I can't figure out which part I should be more surprised about" said Tohru.
"How about everything?" I said.


It was the first day of the new term...
"The first years were adorable" said Tohru. "Even if some of them looked totally lost. The three of you really missed out by not coming to the opening ceremony to wish them well"
"Hard pass" I said.

"I'm already suffering through this hay fever" said Uotani.
"Stop complaining and take some meds" said Kyo.
"They don't work for me" said Uotani. "Maybe all those drugs in my rebellious youth were a mistake"

"What drugs are you talking about?" asked Kyo.
"I'm surprised the Prince isn't with you" said Uotani.
"Well, everyone on the ceremony committee's really busy today" said Tohru.

"Man, sounds like a rough life. Plus, I bet he's getting mauled by love-struck first year's already" said Uotani. "I wouldn't be surprised if the Prince ends up student council president this year. The current one should focus on his own issues"

A black car arrived in the front of the school.
'Who's that?'
Uotani sneezed and I looked away from the car.

But when I looked back, the person who stepped out was already gone.
"Tohru, Mizuki" said Hanajima. "I picked up some waves from the adults area that felt like they might belong to Shigure"
"Right, he should be here" I said.

"There are a couple of new Sohma's who are entering the school as first years" said Tohru.
"Hold on a sec" said Uotani. "You're saying more Sohma's go here now?"
"That's right" smiled Tohru. "2 boys. You met one of them at the culture festival"

"Kyon. Bring in the newbies here" said Uotani.
"Why do I have to? Just send that one instead" said Kyo and pointed at Tohru. "She's already planning to say hi I bet"
"Well, yeah. I am" said Tohru.

"Yes but..." said Hanajima, she looked really scary. "Why should we trouble our dear friend with such menial errands when you can play fetch for us instead"
"I'm not a dog" said Kyo.
'Well, he isn't wrong there'

"Guys, it's really fine" said Tohru. "I wanted to welcome them to school when I got some free time anyway. But you can still join me, if you're not doing anything else"
"What a pain" said Kyo. "Now I have to see those two idiots on the outside world and at school"
"Maybe the change of scenery can make you get along better" said Tohru. "This could be a good thing"
Kyo went with Tohru to find Haru and Momiji.

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