Chapter 17

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There will be a description of  a panic attack/mental breakdown.
I will put a * in front of it and at the end if you like to skip it.

-Yuki POV-

We all were frozen when Ayame pulled down the sleeves of Miss Hirose's sweater.
She was frightened, and kept begging my brother to let her go.
She managed to get out of his grip and ran outside.

"Oh, did I do something wrong?" said Ayame and I hit him in his face.
"You really went too far, Ayame" said Shigure. "Mizuki is quite fragile"
"You really are trash" I said to Ayame.

I looked at Miss Honda who held her hands together.
"Miss Honda, where would Miss Hirose go?" I asked her.

"She... she likes forests" she said and I wanted to go outside, but Miss Honda stopped me. "Be careful, she... she won't like your help. She'll want to be alone... she... she won't be her usual self"
I didn't know what to say when I heard that, but Miss Honda trusted me to get Miss Hirose back. And I would...

I walked through the forest, hoping to find a trace of her.
I heard her sobbing, and when I found her, she was scratching her arms. Her sweater laid next to her and I saw her arms...

It wasn't like when I saw them at the hot springs, in the dark. This time I saw her full arms...
Scars from cigarettes and scars from knives... her arms were red from the scratching.
"Miss Hirose!" I shouted and ran to her.

'What did that man do to her?' I was getting angry.
"Stay back" she said and crawled away from me. "Please, just go"
Her eyes were red from crying and I noticed that her arm was bleeding.

"I'm not going anywhere, Miss Hirose" I said and slowly got closer to her. "I want to help you"
"Stop it!" she screamed. "Stop lying!"
"I'm not lying" I said.

"I don't need your pity!" she shouted. "I just want to be left alone!"
"I'm not pitying you" I said and grabbed her hands.
"Let me go" she said and her eyes were angry.

"I'm not pitying you" I said again. "I just want to help you"
"That's exactly what he said" she said and tried to pull out of my grasp. "That it was just to help me"
She began to cry again and fell down on her knees. "It hurts... it hurts so much"

I kneeled in front of her and kept holding her hands.
"Even now he's locked away forever, he still manages to screw up my life. He still haunts me" she cried. "I hate this. I hate feeling like this"

She laid her head on my shoulder, in the crook of my neck, without hugging me.
She was vulnerable, she showed her vulnerable side to me.
I felt her tears on my skin and I softly touched her hair, making sure that I didn't hug her.

"It's okay" I whispered. "He's not going to hurt you anymore. You're safe. And it's okay to be scared"
"I just want to stop feeling like this. I don't want to be scared" she whispered.
"I'll help you, if you'll let me" I whispered and she nodded.

When she calmed down, I held her hand when we walked back to the house.
We went through the front door so that we'd avoid everyone.
We walked inside her room and she sat down on her bed.

I got the first aid kid and treated the wounds she had made, while having an episode.
"I'm sorry" she whispered.
"It's okay" I said and wrapped a bandage around her arm. "Does it hurt?"

She shook her head. "Right now I don't feel anything" she said.
When I was done she grabbed my wrist. "Thank you" she whispered.
"You're welcome" I said and squeezed her hand. "I'm really sorry, about my brother"

"It's okay" she said and I sat down next to her. "You're nothing like him" she chuckled.
"He's like a stranger to me" I said.
She laid her head on my shoulder and closed her eyes.

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