Chapter 21

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-Mizuki POV-

"Looks like the rain is dying down, but... let's wait here a little longer" said Yuki when we were walking home.
He always walked with me and Tohru when we did the groceries.

"Good idea" I said.
"So, finals are coming up" he said and Tohru flinched.
"Yeah..." she said.

"Don't we have the student council selections before that?" I asked.
"Yeah..." sighed Yuki.
"And from what we have heard, President Tekei wants you to take his place once he graduates" I said.

"But it looks like you maybe rather not" said Tohru.
"No, I wouldn't" said Yuki. "Not at all... I don't know what he expects of me. What they all expect... but... they've got the wrong idea. Because the real me, is more..."

"More what?" asked Tohru.
"Never mind" said Yuki. "Forget I said anything"
"Sure..." said Tohru. "Look, it cleared up enough. We should be good to go. You ready?"

"Oh, hey Yuki" it was Hatsuharu.
"Haru" said Yuki surprised.
"Hatsuharu?" said Tohru.

He looked completely drenched...
"Why are you out? It's raining" said Haru.
"I'm not the one who's soaked" said Yuki. "Why are you out? Did you get lost again?"

"I've been searching" said Haru. "For her"
He showed the tiger he was carrying.
"It took a while" he said.

"Oh! What a cute little kitty!" said Tohru.
"Miss Honda, she's actually a tiger" said Yuki.
"This is Kisa Sohma" said Haru. "Careful, her teeth are sharp"

"Oh! Wow! I didn't expect to run into the Zodiac tiger spirit today!" said Tohru. "It's nice to meet you. I'm Tohru Honda, can I?"
But the moment she held out her hand, Kisa bit in it...

"Oh dear, you got nibbled on?" asked Shigure while Haru wrapped up Tohru's hand.
"Yes, maybe I should've expected it" said Tohru.
"Kisa, come here and apologise" said Yuki.

"No, she doesn't need to, I'm fine, really" said Tohru.
"Kisa" said Yuki again.
"Yuki" said Shigure. "That won't work, she doesn't talk"

"What?" I asked.
"Kisa can't talk" said Haru. "She stopped all together short after she entered middle school. She's mute. According to Tori, it's psychological. She's got all of her words locked up inside. With everything that has happened, she's topped talking. Stopped going to school, then today, she ran away from home. That's why I was looking for her. Didn't expect to find her in tiger form"

"Did she bump into someone from the opposite sex?" asked Tohru.
"Seemed like she was just exhausted" said Haru.
'I know the feeling...'

"So, what happened that made her stop talking and leave school?" asked Yuki.
"Kids" said Haru.
"Kids?" asked Tohru.

"Bullies" answered Haru.
Suddenly Kisa bit Haru and Tohru freaked out.
"That hurts" said Haru to Kisa. "What? Are you pissed at me? Telling me not to shoot my mouth off? Well, sorry. That's too bad. Do you have any idea how worried I've been for you? And I'm not the only one, your mom's been looking all over for you too"

Kisa ran away and I sighed.
"That was too harsh, Haru" I said and he looked at me. "She probably feels guilty already, you don't have to make her feel worse"
Tohru ran outside to find Kisa.

"You speak from experience" said Haru.
"Yeah, you can say that" I sighed and walked to the first aid kid. "Let me help you with that"
I wrapped up the bite Kisa left on Haru.

"Haru, you seem awfully worried about her" said Yuki. "I didn't know you were so close"
"You jealous?" asked Haru and Shigure at the same time.
"No!" said Yuki.

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