Chapter 7

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-Yuki POV-

I noticed that Miss Hirose was terrified... the way she looked after Shigure touched her shoulder...
I wanted to go after her when she ran outside but Miss Honda stopped me.

"She needs to be alone for a while" she said calmly. "If you go to her now, you'll only make it worse"
"Tohru, what happened to her?" asked Shigure and Miss Honda looked down to her hands.

"I wish I could tell you" she said. "But I only know half the story, I'm sure there's more to it. And I don't think it's my story to tell"
"I understand" said Shigure. "She'll tell us when she's ready"

"Just, don't touch her without telling her. If she knows someone is going to touch her, she can handle it" said Miss Honda.
"Is it her father?" I asked and Miss Honda looked surprised. "She told me a little bit, and the lady at the orphanage did too"

"Yes, even though he'll never set a foot outside of prison again. She's scared of him" said Miss Honda.
"In prison? Wait, there was this murder 3 years ago. I believe the woman's last name was Hirose as well" said Shigure.

"How do you know?" I asked.
"Because Hatori treated the surviving child" he said and my eyes widened. "She was his last patient before working only for the Sohma family. The poor thing, Hatori said she almost died"

"She did" said Miss Honda. "But, please, don't talk about it in front of Mizu-chan. She's finally smiling again and I don't want her to be sad anymore"
"I understand" said Shigure.

After a few minutes Miss Hirose came back, she was clenching her sleeves in her hands and I noticed that she had cried.
"Sorry about that" she said and smiled.
"Are you okay, Miss Hirose?" I asked and she nodded.
"I'm fine now, don't worry" she answered.

-Mizuki POV-

After I had calmed down, Yuki noticed that I wasn't alright.
But I was grateful that no one asked me questions about it.
"Damn it. Why is this my job?" asked Kyo while we were fixing the door.

"No complaining" said Shigure. "You are partially at fault here"
"Shut up! Are you kidding me right now?" shouted Kyo. "Hey! You should be pitching in too rat boy!"
"No thanks" said Yuki, closing his book. "Cat's should be able to clean up their own messes. Even stupid cats"

"What did you just say?" shouted Kyo. "Stand up! We're fighting this out!"
"Hey look!" said Kagura.
"What?" said Kyo.

"Look at this" she said and pointed at the little cat she drew.
"Ohn" said Tohru. "What a cute little kitty"
"Quit playing around! You're the one to blame for..." began Kyo but his stomach growled.

"I know it's a little early, but I think I'll start on dinner" said Tohru.
"I'll help" I said and followed Tohru.
"Stay out of that kitchen!" shouted Kagura.

"Okay?" I said.
"I'll cook tonight!" she said.
"What?" said Kyo. "Why would you want that hassle?"

"So I can treat my beloved Kyo" she said and pushed him away, breaking the door I just fixed...
"Then why don't you let us help you out?" asked Tohru.
"Don't worry, I can handle one simple meal on my own" she said and pushed us away. "Kyo dear, I hope you're looking forward to it"
"Kyo dear" said Shigure. "You should have time to fix that door"

Since I didn't have to cook, I took out my sketchbook and began finishing my drawing of the roses.
"That's really good, Mizuki" said Shigure and I smiled.
"Thanks, it's almost finished" I said and I felt him staring at me. "Okay, what is it?"
"Nothing" he said and I rolled my eyes.
"Okay, if you say so" I sighed.

"Dinner is ready!" said Kagura, she cooked a feast...
"This is incredible!" said Tohru. "I can't believe you just whipped up such a nice meal"
"Oh stop!" said Kagura proudly.

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