Chapter 34

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-Mizuki POV-

The next evening, on our last evening we went to the beach to light up the fireworks.
"Hello sun!" said Momiji. "The rain's all gone! It's firework time!"
"What? Now?" asked Yuki. "But it's nowhere near completely dark yet"

"So what?" said Momiji happily. "I couldn't wait until tonight! That's way too long!"
"Uhu" smiled Tohru.
"Hey" said Hiro. "Why do you have those bandages on your faces?"

"Oh, you mean these?" said Tohru.
"We all fell when we were walking last night" I lied. "Guess now we match"
"Come on" said Kyo. "Are we doing this or not? Which one first?"

"Leave that to me!" shouted Momiji. "I've already picked! And it's gonna be awesome!"
But the one he chose... was very small... and it smelled...
"That's what you picked?" said Kyo.

"It's not that bad!" said Tohru. "Definitely worth seeing once"
"The smoke is a little much for me" he said.
"Hey, Kyo. Have you seen this kind before or is it the first time?" asked Tohru.

"Nah, I've seen them" said Kyo. "I told Master I'd never set off any fireworks and he brought home a whole boatload of them. I was just a kid, so I thought it was the coolest thing ever"
I looked at the fireworks, we set off some sparklers.

I sat down on the stairs and looked at the sparklers I was holding.
Yuki was smiling, he looked happy and it made my heart flutter.
'I want to break the curse...'

"Mizuki?" Yuki walked closer. "Can I sit next to you?"
"Of course" I smiled. "Everyone seems to be enjoying themselves"
"Yeah, this trip" he said. "It's the first time we've all gotten together like this. Just for fun, you know? It's strange, summer comes around every year. But it's never the same summer twice. I'm glad I'm here, getting to spent this summer with you. I'll treasure it, forever"

"Me too" I smiled and he took my hand in his.
"Can we sit here too?" asked Momiji with Tohru by his side.
"Of course" I said and they sat down.
We light up the big fireworks when it was completely dark, the perfect ending...


When we came home, the house was a mess... with Ayame sitting in the middle of it.
"You've returned at last!" he shouted. "You must be fatigued from your long journey. Come, rest, relax and make yourselves at home"

"What a surprise" smiled Tohru. "It's so nice to see you"
"Oh, sweet Tohru, Mizuki" he said. "How was your little trip? An enlightening experience?"
I looked away, remembering the kiss Yuki gave me...

"Hey, how the hell did you get into the house?" asked Kyo.
"Now, Kyo, take it easy" said Shigure. "Aya was kind enough to housesit for us while we were gone"

"Is that the story we're going with?" said Ayame.
"Housesitting? Right, you forgot to lock up, didn't you?" asked Yuki.
"Guilty as charged" admitted Shigure. "But, anyway. Why did you miss out on all the fun Ayame?"

"Summer is the season of romance and I was simply swamped with orders" said Ayame.
"Eh, Shigure" said Tohru.
"Yes?" asked Shigure.

"Would it be okay if I made a phone call real quick?" she asked.
"Yes, of course. Go ahead" he said and Tohru went to the hallway.
"So, did you come here for a reason?" asked Yuki to Ayame. "Other than to annoy me?"

"I heard Akito made a trip to the summer house" said Ayame, making me freeze. "I'm sorry, you needed your big brother. And I failed to protect you once again. But I'm here for you now. I shall hold you in my arms tonight! And heal your wounded heart with my brotherly love!"

"No way" said Yuki. "I mean it, stay back"
The scene was making me chuckle, the fear I felt washed away and I laughed.


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