Chapter 33

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-Mizuki POV-

"Mizu-chan!" I heard Tohru. "What happened? A horse?!"
"Don't get him" said Isuzu and she transformed back. "Don't get anyone"
"Right! No clothing!" shouted Tohru and threw a blanket over Isuzu. "Here, you can use this"

"Mizuki?" said Yuki, when he noticed I hadn't moved an inch.
"I'm sorry" I whispered and stood up. "I need to..."
I walked away and when I was at the house, I sat on the balcony.
"Just breathe, Mizuki" I told myself. "Just breathe..."

-Yuki POV-

"I need to..." said Mizuki and she walked away, I saw her trembling...
"She'll be okay" said Miss Honda. "She didn't panic like she did before. I'll get some of my clothing"

"Thanks" I said and Miss Honda left.
Rin was gathering the things that didn't rip when she transformed.
"Hey, take it easy" I said. "You're still weak. Rin... come on, what are you doing here? No, let me guess... you came to see someone"

She grabbed me by my shirt.
"Shut up!" she shouted. "It's none of your damn business where I go. Do you understand me? Keep your mouth shut, no more questions and don't you dare tell anyone else I'm here. If you do... I swear I'll kill you"

"Kill me?" I said. "I think we both know that's impossible"
Miss Honda had returned with some clothes for Rin.
"Don't try to act cool" said Rin. "You aren't fooling anyone. You're just Akito's little toy!"

I just looked at her and she grabbed the clothes out of Miss Honda's hand.
"Don't tell" said Rin. "Don't tell anyone I'm here"
'Not everyone can pull off that attitude naked... I'm impressed'

"She left without even getting dressed" said Miss Honda. "Do you think she's going to be alright?"
"Eventually yes" I said. "But for now, let's not tell anyone we saw her"
"Okay, I'm worried though" she said.

"Trust me, I want to go after her too" I said. "But, I need to see how Mizuki is"
I ran to the house and found her on the balcony of our room.
"Mizuki" I said and she didn't react.

I looked at her and I saw that her eyes were closed.
I smiled and touched her face.
"Yuki" she whispered and I blushed.

I kissed her forehead. "I'll be back soon"
When I wanted to leave, she grabbed my hand.
"Yuki?" she said. She rubbed her eyes and looked at me.

"I came to see how you were doing" I said.
"I'm fine" she said. "I was just startled, that's all"
"I have to go back now" I said and she looked sad. "I kind of snuck out"

"Oh" she said.
"It'll be okay, they won't have noticed that I was gone" I said and she smiled.
"Okay, I'll be here, waiting for you" she said and I stared at her.
"Thank you" I said and walked away from her.


-Mizuki POV-

The next afternoon, Tohru came to sit with me at the beach.
"Where's Kyo?" I asked.
"He was summoned by Akito" she smiled. "He can finally join a family gathering"

'Why do I have a bad feeling about this?'
"I noticed that Yuki started calling you by your first name" she said and I blushed.
"Yeah, it's nice" I said. "It does take some time to get used to it"

"I think it's cute" she said. "You look happier lately"
"I am happy" I smiled. "It's like... I can finally breathe"
She hugged me tightly and started crying.

"I'm so happy for you, Mizu-chan!" she cried and I hugged her back.
"I need to breathe, Tohru" I laughed.
"I'm sorry" she said and I dried her tears.

"Don't apologise" I said.
I saw Kyo coming closer, I smiled and left Tohru built her sandcastle.
"Go to her" I whispered to him.
I walked to the house when I saw that Tohru was smiling.

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