Chapter 4

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-Mizuki POV-

Tohru and I spent a whole afternoon cleaning the kitchen.
"This is amazing" I heard Yuki say behind me. "I can't believe you managed to clean up such a disgusting kitchen"

"We gave it our best" I said.
"I didn't even know that Shigure owned a rice cooker" said Yuki and lifted the rice cooker off the table.
"Yeah, we had to excavate it" said Tohru proud.

Tohru and I made breakfast and I sat down next to Yuki.
"How does it taste?" asked Tohru.
"I hope all the flavours are coming through" I said.

"Delicious... I haven't had a meal like this in a while" said Yuki.
"Wonderful" said Tohru.
"Where is Shigure? He and that stupid cat have been gone for quite a long time" he said.

"And you went out for a little bit too, didn't you?" I asked.
"Yeah, to my secret base in the backyard" said Yuki.
"What? A secret base?" said Tohru, she was exited. "Is it like some private fortress?"

"It's probably not as interesting as you imagine" said Yuki and I smiled. "But I can show it to you sometime if you'd like"
"Wait? Seriously?" Tohru was very happy. "That's so exiting! I saw one once when I was a kid but no girls were allowed..."

"Shut up!" the door flew open and an angry Kyo appeared.
"Will you listen to me for one second, Kyo?" said Shigure.
They walked inside without taking off their shoes.

"I'm so pissed! Is this what makes you happy? Manipulating innocent people like me?" shouted Kyo.
"Sure, I'm enjoying this thoroughly. But it is what's best for you" said Shigure.
"Do you want something to eat maybe?" asked Tohru.

"Hell no!" shouted Kyo.
"Don't take your anger out on her" said Shigure. "And no shoes inside"
"Says the man who did laps around the room in his" said Yuki.
"Oh, nice is that food for us?" asked Shigure.

"Excuse me, why is he upset?" asked Tohru.
"It's his nature" said Shigure and sat down. "Also, I might have tricked him into taking a school transfer exam"
"A transfer?" I asked.

"Yes, it's official and everything. Tomorrow our Kyo will be the same school hallways as the three of you. Thanks for the food!" said Shigure, but Yuki stopped him. He was angry...
"You're done... put that down and get out" he said.

"I knew you'd be mad" said Shigure. "Here's the thing, this is good for him. He should be going to the boy's school near his place. But he hasn't showed up to class in four months now. Apparently he's been training in the mountains"

"Why training?" asked Tohru.
"All that he wants is to beat Yuki in a real fight. They've been rivals ever since they were kids" he said.
"He's an idiot" said Yuki and stood up. "Thanks for the food" he said and left the room.
"No problem" I said.


The next morning in school, Kyo was the topic of the day. Everyone wanted to see him.
They kept asking him questions, making Kyo feel uncomferteble...
"He's terrified" said Tohru, while Hanajima was curling her hair.

"Hey, Yuki. I hear the newbie is your cousin" said a senpai. "Why haven't you introduced us already?"
Yuki sighed, turned around and smiled. "Sorry, senpai. It's true that we're technically cousins. But I've never spoken to him before" he said.

'What's with that weird smile? It's even faker than usual...'
"I'm digging his carrot top" said Uotani. "Maybe because it kind of reminds me of the blazing hair your mom used to have, Tohru"
"Yeah, now that you say that, I see it" said Tohru.

"I feel them. His strong waves are exactly the same as Yuki Sohma's" said Hanajima. "They're odd, what am I sensing? It's almost as if the waves aren't human"
'It's creepy how spot on she is' I thought.

Suddenly Kyo stood up.
"Something wrong?" asked a girl, but he walked away. "Hey, where are you going? We were talking"
She grabbed his arm, but he threw her on the ground.

'Oh boy'
"Auw! That hurts! Let go of me!" shouted the girl.
"Everybody leave me alone!" shouted Kyo, opened a window and jumped... of the third floor... and he landed on his feet...
'He really is a cat alright...'

I followed Tohru outside, we saw Yuki talking to Kyo.
"Of course you don't! You'd never understand! I'm gonna win! I'll beat you and become a full-fledged member of the Sohma clan! I won't let them demoralize me anymore! You hear me?!" shouted Kyo and grabbed Yuki by the collar.

"Please don't!" shouted Tohru and hugged Kyo from behind.
"Tohru!" I shouted and ran to them.
Kyo transformed into a cat and I looked at Yuki, who just looked tired...

"I'm so sorry" said Tohru. "But you shouldn't! If you fight in school, you could get in trouble"
"Will you shut up already?!" shouted Kyo. "This isn't any of your business! What's your deal anyway?"

"That's enough" said Yuki but Kyo didn't hear him.
"Stop causing trouble and get out of here!" shouted Kyo.
Tohru looked defeated and walked away.

"Good job, idiot" I sighed.
"You really are a hopeless fool" said Yuki.
"Aren't you gonna kick me?" asked Kyo.
"Sometimes not getting kicked hurts more" said Yuki and walked away.
"Just apologise when you get the chance" I said to Kyo before following Yuki.

"I'm sorry you had to see that, Miss Hirose" said Yuki.
"It's fine, are you okay?" I asked and he smiled. I noticed his tie. "Hey, your tie is crooked. Can I fix it?"
"Sure" he said and I stepped closer to fix his tie. "Thank you"
"No problem" I said and smiled to him.

"We're home" said Yuki to Shigure and Kyo when we walked in.
"Where is Tohru?" asked Shigure. "Still at school?"
"No, she's at work" I said.

"She won't be done until late, so I'm thinking of walking her home" said Yuki.
"Yeah, that's a smart idea. Perverts sometimes creep around here" said Shigure. "Mizuki, you don't have to go to the orphanage today?"

"No, I'll go tomorrow" I said. "Also, Kyo"
"What?" he said.
"Don't forget what I said. Just apologise" I said and he sighed.


In the end, Kyo went to pick up Tohru from her work.
While he was getting Tohru, I started making dinner.
"We're back" said Tohru and I smiled.

"Hey, Tohru" I said.
"Oh, you're almost finished with dinner already?" she asked.
"Yes, you just finished working. You deserve a break" I said.

"I don't mind" she said.
"Go change your clothes, I'll handle dinner" I said and pushed her out of the kitchen.
"Can I help with anything?" asked Yuki.
"You can set the table if you want, I'm almost done here" I said and he smiled.


"Why Kyo... you lecherous little deviant" saidShigure during dinner.
"What gives you the right to call me that?" shouted Kyo.
"You know, Tohru. He personally offered to walk you back from work so you'd gethome safe and sound" said Shigure.

"That was a one-time thing! It won't happen again!" said Kyo with a face red asa tomato.
"Okay, but I'm glad you're here. It's really nice seeing you eat a proper mealwith us" said Tohru.
"So, how is it? Up to your standards?" I asked.

He looked in front of him to Yuki.
"What do you want?" asked Kyo.
"Nothing" said Yuki.
"You were looking at me!" shouted Kyo.

"You're in front of me" said Yuki.
"Sure, like you'd give me that look for no reason!" shouted Kyo.
"Is the food that bad?" I asked.

"It is!" shouted Kyo.
"Well, make it yourself then next time" I said, stood up and walked away.
"Mizu-chan" said Tohru.
"I just need some fresh air, don't worry Tohru" I said.
"Stupid cat" I heard Yuki say.

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