Chapter 19

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-Mizuki POV-

It was silent during dinner...
No one was speaking...
"Hello kids" said Shigure when he came back home.

"I hope your errand went well" said Tohru.
"It did" said Shigure. "Now tell me, who would like to go on a trip tomorrow?"
"Heh?" we all said.

"A trip" said Shigure. "It'll be the first day of Golden Week. What better time to get away from it all?"
"Okay, what's with the last-minute vacation planning?" asked Kyo. "You drunk or something?"

"I may drink, but I never get drunk" said Shigure. "Let's go, the Sohma family maintains a Lake House for such an occasion. Well, you in?"
"Oh no, I couldn't possibly! I already went on the previous Sohma vacation!" said Tohru.

"Ah, but you see, that trip doesn't count" said Shigure. "Because I didn't get to go with you. Such a shame, missing out like that. I was heartbroken..."
"Then let's go" said Tohru.
"You manipulator!" shouted Kyo and Yuki at the same time.

"Mizuki?" asked Shigure.
"Sure, you don't have to manipulate me. I would love to draw a lake" I said.
"Well, that's settled! I assume you boys will be coming along?" asked Shigure. "Unless of course you want Tohru, Mizuki and I to be alone in the wilderness together. Then off we go!"


It was a minivan we took, and even Hatori came with us.
"Thank you for volunteering doc, you're such an excellent driver" said Shigure.


"It's so beautiful!" said Tohru when we arrived at the Lake House. "And big!"
"Do you really find it that remarkable?" asked Hatori.
"Yes! I've never actually seen a lake in person" said Tohru.

"I would love to draw it" I whispered.
"This is just the sort of cabin Jason might show up at" said Shigure.
"Jason?" asked Kyo.

"A particularly vicious bear that lives around here. I thought everybody knew that" said Shigure.
"Yeah! Of course I know about it!" shouted Kyo.
"Shigure..." said Hatori.

"I wonder why someone would name a bear Jason" said Tohru.
"Hey, Miss Hirose" said Yuki and I looked at him.
"Yes?" I asked.

"Well... ehm..." he said and looked away. "It's nothing, never mind, sorry"
I looked down, I didn't know what was going on...
Even Kyo was acting strange around us.

It all started last night at dinner after we visited the grave.
'Why do I feel so on edge?'
"Hey" said Kyo. "Why did you really pack us up and brought us here so suddenly?"

"You've always had an ulterior motive" said Yuki.
"Your lack of trust saddens me" said Shigure. "Can't a man just take a trip with the people he cares most about? Perhaps instead of tormenting me, you should make the most of our lovely surroundings and take Mizuki and Tohru for a walk down by the lake"

Everyone stayed quiet...
"Hey, what's wrong with you two?" asked Shigure. "So moody"
"It's fine" I said. "We can go by ourselves"

"This won't do" said Shigure. "We need someone to brighten the mood... I know! I'll call Aya!"
"Call him and you die" said Kyo and Yuki at the same time.


So, eventually Yuki and Kyo walked with us outside.
But the silence was unbearable... so awkward...
Kyo and Yuki weren't even arguing...

"Uhm... guys?" said Tohru, even she felt the awkwardness... "I'm really sorry"
She bowed deeply and even I was surprised.
"I know that sometimes I'm super spacy, I can be rude without realising it" she said. "So... so if I did something to offend you, please tell me what it was and I won't ever do it again. I won't... I swear..."

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