Chapter 39

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-Mizuki POV-

New Years was a lot of fun.
Genji couldn't cook, so I cooked. But, it was nice...
It felt like I was spending it with family again...

I was happy, when the first call I got... was from Yuki.
"Everything okay?" I asked him. "You sound... never mind"
"Something happened" he said. "But it's nothing bad. So you don't have to worry"

"I'll always worry about you" I chuckled.
"Who is it?!" yelled Genji.
"None of your business!" I yelled back and I sighed. "Sorry"

"You sound like you have a lot of fun" he said and I chuckled.
"Yeah" I said. "It's nice, it's like spending it with family again... Genji's always been like a brother to me. He has always looked out for me... but... I miss you"

I blushed when I said that and he was silent for a little while.
"Me too" he said and my face became even more red. "I miss you too"


School began again... and every time I saw Yuki, my heart would beat like crazy...
'Get it together, Mizuki...'
"Uo-chan!" shouted Tohru, Uotani was spacing out outside. "What's the matter?"

"It's nothing" said Uotani. "Just thinking it's too cold out here for such a nice day. Can't believe we have to sit through graduation rehearsal in this weather. They don't need us, we're not graduating"

"You do have a point" I said.
"It's called socialisation" said Hanajima.
"Well, I better not catch a cold for socialisation sake" said Uotani.

"Incidentally, did you know? I have never had a cold before" said Hanajima. "I guess it's true that idiots don't catch them"
"And you're proud of that?" asked Uotani. "This blows. I feel like I can't get a break these days"


"Mizu-chan" smiled Tohru, she ran back down the stairs. "I'm getting some envelopes for Shigure, do you want to walk with me?"
"Sure" I said and followed her.

But when we passed the park, I stopped her.
"Look, sparrows" I smiled and we walked to them.
When someone walked closer, they all flew away...

"Kureno?" I asked.
'Wait... the rooster... why are the birds going away?'
"I don't understand" said Tohru. "As soon as you came over, the birds flew away. But why would that be? You're possessed by the rooster... and the Sohma's who have Zodiac spirits, I thought their animals... wait... are you?"

Kureno hugged Tohru... and he didn't transform...
"You see, I'm different now, I don't transform" he said. "Unlike the others... my curse... was broken. It happened years ago, I was slightly younger than you. And since then, I haven't been one of them. Now, I can't fly"

"How did the curse break?" I asked.
"I don't know" he said. "It was there and then... it just wasn't. Without any warning, the bond was severed. It was like my field of vision opened up. Inside myself, there was only me, no other presence. The sky looked so blue and I thought about how I would never fly in that sky again. It made me sad, but at the same time... I felt like I was finally human. I was happy"

"But... the other Zodiac members" said Tohru. "They don't know. They still think that you're the rooster. If it broke, why do you stay with Akito? I mean... there must be a reason... something that binds you, even though you're not a Zodiac member"

He gave Tohru a DVD and note.
"Here, I thought you should have this back" he said. "It's wasted on me. Sorry, it's all I came to tell you. I won't see her again. I'll stay where I belong, with Akito. We met twice, Arisa and I. It's not as if we have some long history. Just two trivial insignificant meetings. I'll never see her again though. They'll become trivial insignificant memories, before they fade entirely. I doubt it'll take long. So you don't have to worry"

Tohru touched his face, he was crying.
"I wanna see her. I do" he cried. "So badly... we only met twice. But even so... it was the first time I fell in love since the curse broke and I became truly human. I can embrace her, hold her in my arms! Something that's only possible, because I'm no longer possessed! The other Zodiac members aren't so lucky, still tormented by the curse I was freed from effortlessly. Me, I'm the only one! I can go where I want, love whom I chose. But... that's exactly the reason... the reason I have to stay. To remain by Akito's side, forever... I couldn't do it. I couldn't leave. To Akito... the Zodiac members bonds are everything. The truth is, without us, the God can't exist. So the day my curse broke, I made a promise. I swore not to leave, no matter what. Really, I would've said anything to make those tears stop. I knew that it meant deceiving the others and pretending that I was still the rooster. But if it would ease that child's pain... it was a price I was willing to pay. I made a promise, I can't leave! It's true that the curse is broken and the bond I felt back then, disappeared. When we embrace, it may be out of pity on my part. But I swore to stay. Over and over... and so I will. Until the day Akito no longer needs me. I'll be there, always... I decided that I would live for that child. Anything, for that sad, little, broken girl"

'Wait... girl?'
"You said, girl" I whispered. "You mean? Akito... is a woman?"

-End of season 2

Author note:
Thank you so much for reading, voting and commenting !
Final Season is coming up!


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