Chapter 6

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-Mizuki POV-

We got drenched and finally arrived at the Sohma house.
Yuki gave me a towel and I dried my hair a bit.
"We're home. Was that the weather?" asked Yuki when we came into the living room.

"It's getting ugly out there. They're saying it's an unexpected typhoon" said Shigure.
"It is really coming down" said Tohru.
I saw Yuki going back outside and I followed him.

"Sohma!" I shouted and he turned around.
"Miss Hirose! It's dangerous out here" he said. I tried to walk carefully.
"Oh, this is nothing. When the last typhoon came through, we spent the night outside our tent holding..." I began but I slipped. Yuki grabbed my wrist and I froze.

"Are you okay?" he asked, his hand still on my wrist.
I took a deep breath. "I'm fine, sorry" I said, slowly getting used to his touch. "But, Sohma, what are you doing out here?"
"This way" he said and slowly pulled me with him.

"I don't understand, where are we going?" I asked.
We arrived at a little garden. "Wow, it's a farm" I said.
"I'd say more of a vegetable garden actually" he said.

"How cool, did you plant it all yourself?" I asked.
"Mhm, the secret base I mentioned" he said.
"How heroic" I said and he let go of my wrist. "Risking your life and limb to protect your base from the typhoon. I'll help you" I chuckled.
He gave me the other end of the protection blanket and we pulled it over the vegetable garden.

"You're a truly kind person" he said suddenly.
I laughed. "You're kidding right? Literally no one has said that to me before. I guess it's like what you were talking about earlier. A phony kind, as to make it seem like I'm a good person" I said.

"No, I think it comes naturally" said Yuki and he began nailing the blanket down to the ground.
"You know" I began. "At my mother's funeral, Kyoko told me that it was always better to believe instead of doubt. She said human beings aren't born with kindness, that's something that comes to us later. All we have at first are desires, for things like food and shelter. Basically, just survival instincts. She said kindness is our hearts growing inside us. Growing like people at different rates and different ways. And that's why one person's kindness might look different from another's. So, it's simple to understand desire, because it's something everyone has from birth. But each person's kindness, is pretty much handmade by them. So it's easy for others to misunderstand it, or assume that it's phony. It was nice to think that there were different shapes of kindness in the world. None quite the same. This may sound strange, but your kindness reminds me of a candle. It lights up, when it does, I can't help but smile at the warmth it gives off. There's nothing phony about it. Sorry, if that was weird"

"No, not at all" he said. "Actually, I'm kind off ashamed. I shouldn't have unloaded all of that on you"
"I'm glad you did" I said and he looked at me. "The more you tell me about your life and feelings, the better friends we can become. It made me happy that you felt that you could let me in" I smiled.

We spent almost the whole night outside, protecting the garden.
"We defended it to the end" I said when the rain finally stopped.
"At the low cost of getting half drowned" said Yuki.

"Are there any vegetables ready to harvest?" I asked.
"Well, the chives might be" he answered.
'Chives heh? I think Tohru will like that'

"Miss Hirose" said Yuki and I looked at him. "I'll play rich man poor man next time"
"That's nice, Tohru will like that. But if you're not interested you don't have to" I said.
"It's just... everyone else was so outgoing. I didn't feel comfortable. But I'll work on that, it may take me a while but... I want to learn how to interact with people" he said.

"That'll be fun. Hanajima and Uotani are great. I'm proud to call them my friends. Plus, I'll bet you'll be good at it. And I know they'll love the chance to defeat a strong opponent" I said.
He turned around and he smiled, for real...

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