Chapter 41

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-Mizuki POV-

I was in art club, my mind was always wondering to the words Kureno told us...
"Mizuki?" I looked up and saw Mikki. "What's wrong?"
"Sorry" I said. "There's been a lot on my mind lately. Don't worry about it"

"Excuse me" I looked up and saw Kuragi. "Can I speak with you, Hirose-senpai?"
"Sure" I said and grabbed my things. "You're going home? I'll walk with you"
She nodded and we walked to her apartment.


Her apartment was a mess... even her window was cracked...
"So, you've been quiet" I said and sat down on her bed. "You want to talk about it?"
She stayed quiet and I smiled.
"I've got an idea" I said. "Grab your jacket, we're going to a place where I go when I need to let my feelings go"

We walked to the orphanage.
"Mizuki" said Miss Mika. "I wasn't expecting you, you brought a friend"
"This is Kuragi, a friend from school" I said. "I was wondering if we could use the art room. Do some action painting?"

She understood what we needed.
"Of course, here's the key" she said and gave me the key.
"What are we doing?" asked Kuragi.

"You hate it when things are in order, right?" I asked and she froze up. "Action painting is the definition of chaos. Look"
I grabbed some paint and paper and just began to paint, smash with the brush, make weird patterns with my fingers.

She stared at me, but she was more relaxed now.
"You want to try it?" I asked and she nodded.

"I have a little brother" she said suddenly. "My family wanted me to be perfect, I did everything they asked. But when my brother was born, they said I was plain and boring. Even though I did everything they told me to. They saw me as something that went wrong... one day, it was cold and I wanted to put a blanket on my brother so he wouldn't be cold. But they thought I was going to kill him... they didn't believe me... no one did... I just wanted to keep him warm..."

"You've worked hard" I said and she looked at me. "You've worked hard to become the person you are today. You did really well, Kuragi"
"I did?" she asked and I hugged her.
"You did" I said. "You are strong, Machi"
She cried and clung to me.


-Yuki POV-

"That's strange" said Kakeru. "Machi's usually at home"
"She left" said the neighbour. "With a pretty little blond girl"
"Mizuki?" I said and I knew where they were.

We went to the orphanage and Miss Mika showed us where the girls were.
We saw Machi crying and clinging to Mizuki.
Mizuki was smiling and comforting Machi.

"Hey" she suddenly said. "Let's try the action painting again"
Machi nodded and that's when they saw us.
"Yuki, Manabe" said Mizuki. "Do you guys want to join us?"
"Sounds like fun" said Kakeru.

Mizuki and I sat outside looking at the snow while Machi and Kakeru were doing action painting.
"I didn't know you and Machi had become friends" I said and she smiled.
"She reminds me of myself" she said. "Broken, unable to express how we feel, with no one that understand us... I just wanted to help her, be there for her"

"You're not broken" I said and she looked me in the eyes.
"Maybe not anymore" she said and laid her head on my shoulder. "But that's thanks to you, Yuki"
"No" I said and touched her face.

I let my head rest against hers, I closed my eyes and I could feel her breath on my face.
"It's all you" I said.
'It's all thanks to you...'

We heard a phone go off and we both jumped a few feet back.
"Sorry!" shouted Kakeru. "You were totally about to kiss and I ruined it! I really should learn how to put it on silent"
"Idiot!" I heard Machi say and he hit her.

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