Chapter 24

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-Mizuki POV-

"Your final exam scores should be posted" said Miss Shiraki. "Those of you with failing score in any subject will be taking make-up exams on Sunday"
Everyone complained.

"I don't want to hear it" she said. "You should be grateful for your teachers for this second chance. They're all giving up their weekends to help you"

"Tell them. If they don't want to do make-up's, then don't fail in the first place, jerks" said Uotani. "But I bet you passed everything Tohru"
I looked at Tohru, who covered her face with her hands...

"Well, let's hear it" I said. "Did you fail?"
She nodded.
"How many?" asked Uotani.

Tohru held up one finger.
"Okay, that's not too bad then" I said.
"Mizu is right. One subject is nothing to stress over" said Uotani.

"Indeed" said Hanajima. "Take heart, and if it helps, you scored wonderfully compared to me. I failed them all"
"If anyone's gonna be depressed, it ought to be you" said Uotani and looked at Tohru. "You haven't failed any exams before, have you? No tutoring sessions with the Prince this time around?"

"Actually, Yuki did help us study" I said.
"Miss Hirose" I heard Yuki and I turned around. "How did it go?"
"Great, I passed them all, thanks to you" I smiled.

"How about you, Miss Honda?" he asked.
Tohru fell on her knees and cried.
"Please forgive me" she said.

"Hey, Tohru" I said and kneeled down next to her. "This isn't the end of the world, you know"
"Besides, make-up's have easier questions than the regular tests" said Hanajima.
"Don't worry" said Yuki. "You shouldn't let it get to you too much. It'll be okay, everybody has bad days"

"I'm sure you'll past the make-up test with flying colours" said Hanajima.
"Maybe you should worry about yourself" said Uotani.


After school I went straight to the orphanage where the children were waiting for me.
"Mizuki!!" they shouted. "How did you do?"
"I have no make-up's! I passed them all" I said proudly.

"Oh! I'm so proud of you, Mizuki" said Miss Mika.
Suddenly, my phone went off.
"Hello?" I asked when I picked up.

"Mizuki" it was Kyo. "Tohru is sick"
"Is it a cold?" I asked.
"Yeah, Shigure asked if you could do the groceries" he said. "Momiji is clearing it up for her work"

"Eh, yeah, sure. I'll do the groceries when I'm done working" I said. "Please, take care of her"
"Sure" he said and hang up.


When Yuki picked me up, we went to the store to get the ingredients we needed.
"I hope Miss Honda will be okay" said Yuki.
"She'll be fine" I said. "I bet she's more worried that she can't study now, than that she's sick. She can be stubborn sometimes"
"I was making some exercises for her to help her study" said Yuki.
"Really? That's very nice of you" I said and smiled. "What would you like for dinner?"


"Let me carry those" said Yuki and grabbed the bags.
"Oh, it's fine" I said and held on to one of them.
I looked at the sunset and stopped walking for a second.

"Miss Hirose?" asked Yuki.
"Look" I said. "The sunset is beautiful..."
"It is" he said and smiled.

"I should try painting this" I said and chuckled.
Yuki was looking at me and it made me blush.


When we came back, I went to Tohru.
"Hey, how are you feeling?" I asked and sat down on her bed.
"A bit better" she said and I felt her forehead.

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