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Emily can't believe her eyes. It is him. It's Declan Doyle.

"Oh, so you do remember me?" he said with a brow raised.

"I must admit, I am pretty unforgettable," He said with a grin.

Emily studies his facial features. It is Declan alright.

He still has a similar haircut that Emily last saw him with, though his hair is messier, unlike the well-kept curls that he had when he was a child. His dark, blonde hair is covering part of his face.

One thing that sticks out to the agent is the scar that he has on his left eyebrow. It looks like it was done with a sharp object, piercing through his skin, cutting through his brow.

He looks older but no more than twenty years of age. He has similar features as his father. The shape of his eyes and facial structure resembles the one of Ian Doyle.

Especially his grin. His grin reminds the agent of the man who almost killed her.

"Declan, why are you doing this?" Emily asks him.

Out of all people, she could think of, Declan was the least expected. No. She didn't even consider him being a potential suspect at all.

She has to know why he is doing this.

"I don't know why you are asking this question. You are smart. I'm sure you can figure it out."

"I thought you would be in college and-"

"Shut it!" Declan exclaims, making Emily jump.

"Did you really think I would be prancing around and having a normal life? After everything that happened you still believe that?"

"You have a second chance. You are no longer under your father's influence," the agent tells him.

"You don't have to follow his steps."

"That is where you are wrong. I don't want to be the great international terrorist like Ian was. That isn't me," he said.

"I'm different. I just want to avenge my father."

"Avenge?" Emily asks with a brow raised.

"Why? All I did was help you get out of that horrible life you had with your father."

That is what Emily firmly believes. She helped Declan get out of that dangerous environment that Doyle had him in.

She knows that the man would have raised the child in an unsafe place. Ian wanted his son to be a warrior just like he was. That meant that he was going to raise Declan as one.

A life where crime and violence are consistent is not suitable for a child. Ian was not a suitable parental figure.

"No! You didn't help! All you ever did was ruin my life!" Declan exclaims, raising his hands in anger.

"You just came into my father's life in order to destroy it."

"Your father was a criminal. You don't know what he was capable of doing," Emily explains.

She has seen what Ian was capable of. He was powerful and ruthless. He had no mercy for those who he saw as an enemy.

"You were too young to understand."

"Shut up!" he exclaims, slapping the woman in frustration.

Emily takes the hit and moves her jaw slowly, feeling how her right cheek is stinging.

Healing Together ( Criminal Minds fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now